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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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15 Jul 2016
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Sleeping With the Enemy: A Conversation With Self-doubt

Safe-Passage self doubt

Greetings. Let me introduce myself to you, so we can get better acquainted. Although in all honesty I know you already. I know you intimately. We are old friends, you and I – Yes! I know all there is to know about you. I know your shadows and your darkness. I have sucked on the marrowbone belonging to the skeletons in your closet and I have danced from dusk until dawn with every one of your demons. I skulked into your life many moons ago and have stayed for the duration. So, perhaps it is time you got to know me? I feel I have an unfair advantage in this relationship.

When you are dressed to impress, walking with a confident stride across a room, daubed in your most effective war paint – I see you. I see all. I can strip away the paint, the make-up and the mask. I can remove the clothing layer by layer and perceive you in all your soft vulnerability. I see you just as you are.

I see you when your back is pressed against a wall, in the darkest corner of the room as you watch the movement and the chatter of others, believing you are safely inconspicuous. You are not shielded in all your quiet comfort from my scrutiny. I am at your side.

When you have escaped the hustle and bustle of the world, withdrawing yourself from all the overwhelming stimuli of life, there I will be. You may believe yourself to be alone and safeguarded from all that is overwhelming but even here, I sit with you.

 Can you not hear me whispering into your ear?

As I exhale my breathy words are a sweet and familiar poison. A nectar of contempt. I don’t need to shout or roar! I speak tenderly to you in palatable phrases and in pleasing lyrics that are seemingly harmless. They echo in your mind over and over. And you listen. You hear my soft, insidious song and over time it becomes your own song. You write the harmony, you create the symphony and you dance to it day and night.

 Can you not feel my breath upon your flesh?

As I inhale I imperceptibly feed upon you. Bit by bit. I drain you slowly and steadily. I take all I need from you and leave you pale and exhausted. I leave you aching in your very bones. I suck out the sweetness from you core; I draw the wonder from your eyes and drink the laughter from your lungs. You see, I need you in order to exist and you give to me oh, so willingly! So, I am unhurried as I devour you, I have plenty of time. A whole lifetime! And you barely notice as I seek to destroy you. (If you let me.)

Can you not feel the weight of me upon your shoulders?

As you nourish me, I grow substantial. I bear down upon you, becoming heavier as I feed. I tread lightly at first; you can barely tell I am there. My footfall feels slight, my substance is flimsy. But I am persistent. As I endlessly whisper, I feed. As I feed I crave more. As I crave, I become gluttonous. I am insatiable! And my presence – which was initially so insignificant  – you have to carry upon your bent shoulders as a cumbersome burden. You take me wherever you go.

I have many names and many guises. And this is how you will recognise me; I promise that you already do:

I am deceit. I am a spurious truth. I am a part-truth brewed in a cauldron of shame and poured into the goblet of disgust – A concoction you drink like medicine. A substance you become addicted to.

I am fear. I am the voice that finds you in the depths of the night and repeats its noxious lullaby of derision that spins around and around your weary head like a carousel, twisting and turning as it seeps into your dreams.

I am regret. I am the insurmountable guilt and remorse that rises like a mountain from the curling mists of your memory. My summit is powdered with humiliation and disgrace.

I am insecurity. I am the ocean of apprehension that emerged in your childhood and surged in your adolescence. You drift endlessly upon my tides and are moved by the strength of my currents. I swell like a tsunami and can unleash the deluge of my awesome power at any time, swallowing you in the depths of anxiety and drowning you.

Pick up a shell from my shore, place it to your ear and hear me whisper to you once again. Listen to my sonorous song, heed my gorgeous words. Know them, my friend. Take them from me and sing them as your own:

You are not worthy.

You have no value.

It is all your fault.

You get what you deserve.

You are worthless.

You should be more.

You must be less.

You are too much.

You are not enough…

Now, in order to put some balance into our relationship, let me tell you something; it is a secret I usually keep to myself but I am feeling generous. Listen carefully because this is the first and last time I will give you this delightful little nugget…

My power is not my own. You are complicit in my very existence.

You see, I am a parasite. I exist within you and yet without you I cannot exist. I travel to you through many channels, yet your mind is the vessel I need to survive. I am an instrument of those who wish to limit you, yet I need your vindication to keep me living. You are my accomplice and yet my nemesis. You are my alpha and my omega.

But I think I shall stop now, perhaps I have said too much? I grow weary of myself. So, my friend now you know my voice. You recognise my song and understand all the work I have put into shaping of you.

My name is self-doubt. I am glad to have made your acquaintance.


Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 08.08.49Verity is a weaver of words, a spinner of stories and a forger of fantasy. She is a fabricator of fables, a maker of magic and a lover to legend. She is a creator of mess and of laughter, a crafter of tears and tantrums. She is a mystic mama. She is a woman-child who loves fiercely and drinks deeply from the cup that bears the sweet nectar of the profound.

She lives in a beautiful British Celtic County and embraces life here with open arms because its ancient rhythms pulsate and resonate through her.

You can connect with her on Facebook Twitter (@soulflamewoman) or on her website

24 Jun 2016
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A Pill for Every Ill?

I suffered from severe depression and anxiety for a solid decade of my life.  During that time, I saw at least 20 different medical professionals (I lost track there were so many), including psychiatrists and psychologists, and I tried countless combinations of pharmaceuticals in order to lessen my symptoms.  Over the years, I sadly learned to accept that I would struggle with depression and anxiety the rest of my life.  I chalked it up to a chemical imbalance in my brain that was probably genetic.  During that decade that I lost to depression and anxiety, not a single medical professional asked me about my diet and/or nutrition.  In fact, not a single medical professional discussed the root cause of my illness at all.  The only options ever discussed were SSRIs, mood stabilizers and anti-psychotics.  At one point, I was taking eight different pharmaceuticals on a daily basis.  I had never been so depressed in my life, despite the eight pills I was popping each day.

In 2014, I became bedridden with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).  While fighting the Chronic Fatigue, I studied everything I could about proper diet, nutrition and supplementation.  Because CFS is an inflammatory disease, most of my research was spent trying to determine the best way to extinguish the systemic inflammation in my body.  In the course of my research, I stumbled upon an article that explained the connection between inflammation and depression.  The alarm bells went off in my head immediately.  I remembered that the first major depressive episode I ever experienced was directly after I had a serious viral infection.  Inflammation is the body’s natural response to fight infection.  Because I wasn’t even aware of my body’s inflammatory response, I never took any action to address the inflammation.  The tragic result was a ten year battle with severe and debilitating depression and anxiety.  Once I understood, however, that my depression was the result of systemic inflammation, it only took about six months of an anti-inflammatory diet and supplementation to cure my depression. Yep …. I said cure.  I found the root cause of my depression/anxiety, eliminated the root cause (inflammation) with diet and supplementation, and I have been depression free for a year.  I still struggle with anxiety as I have a personality that is prone to extensive worry and perfectionism, but it is manageable and doesn’t impair my ability to lead a happy, joyful life.

So why is it that the majority of Americans are unaware most disease and illness can be effectively treated and cured?  It is no secret that the Pharmaceutical Industry is extraordinarily powerful, exceedingly wealthy and is driven solely by profits and greed.  It goes without saying that the Pharmaceutical Industry, including its massively influential lobby, is not looking out for the best interests of the American public.  In fact, I don’t think the wellbeing of the American public is even on their radar.  The problem grows exponentially when you consider the incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and your health care professionals coupled with the nature of the training doctors receive in medical school.  Unfortunately, conventional medical doctors are simply not taught how to cure their patients.  They are taught to manage symptoms with a pill for every ill.   The sad reality is that conventional medicine is in the business of caring for sick people with very little motivation to cure illness and disease.  Healthy individuals do not generate profits.

I share my story with you to illustrate that illness can be cured.  We don’t have to accept feeling sick, tired or depressed.  We don’t have to settle for managing our symptoms with a pill for every symptom.  We don’t have to give our power over to our doctors when it comes to our health and wellbeing.  We don’t have to swallow toxic chemicals prescribed by our doctors in order to live the healthy, vital lives that are our true destiny.  We can prevent illness by the nourishment we put into our bodies every single day.  And if we do get ill, we have the capacity to track down the root cause of our illness, make the required changes to our diet and lifestyle, and cure ourselves of most disease or illness.

If you have received a diagnosis and told that there is no cure by your doctor, please understand that what your doctor means by incurable is that your disease or illness cannot be cured by swallowing a pill or going under the scalpel of surgery.  Conventional doctors are only trained to treat patients by writing prescriptions or scheduling surgeries.  Please know that you have many, many more options that pills or surgeries.  Our bodies natural state is perfect health.  If you are sick, there is something that caused your sickness.  Always.

So what can you do to track down the root cause or causes of your illness?  You have many options!  If you need to see a medical doctor, find a functional medical doctor in your area.  Naturopaths are another great option as they treat patients holistically and are always looking for root causes.  If you would like more one on one attention than a functional doctor or naturopath can provide, working with a holistic health coach is a great option.  The bottom line is that you don’t have to be sick, tired and depressed.  You have options.  Never forget it!

About the Author:


Holistic health coach Jennifer Yerxa believes that every single one of us has the potential to live nourished, healthy lives filled with vitality, joy and peace. After battling a series of chronic health issues, her research has lead her to to work with clients to help them discover the root cause of their illness and to support them on their healing journeys. Contact Jennifer now to receive a free 30 minute complimentary session! You can reach her on Facebook or at

12 Jun 2016
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Losing Relationships to Conflict, Falling Out, & Death – Wise Words From Buddha Noah

don't leave me
You will lose people.

This world is purging and healing from generations of deep, hidden sickness.

You will lose people,

and it can be painful…

but it doesn’t have to be.

Acceptance is Godly.

Be peacefully prepared to lose people.

You will lose people – and they will transcend to else-hood.

When you realize the true reason people grieve death is because we are so afraid to be HERE alone – you will stop grieving someone’s passing and start celebrating their transition.

The world is healing and purging in a raging tide of push and pull.

You’ve got to learn to swim these waters.

You will lose people, and it is okay, for they are not truly lost – they are simply away from your projected hologram.

You will find yourself without people you love, for one reason or another.

Do not fight the push and pull of life alongside everyone else – grieving and grieving and grieving always.

Yes, injustice weighs heavy on our earthen bodies because of the visual and energetic happening of loss around us – but remember, your mind is free. Your mind will tell you how to feel when you step back and examine the true source of your grief.

Most of us are not truly grieving the loss of another, rather grieving yet another experience of separation with a part of our Self – that has left this place…a place that does not always feel like Home; as if to say – take me with you.

Rise above, and be a helpful, harmless Witness.

Transition is natural. Transition is beautiful. Transition is a gift – for we all are tired and weary in our human bones, which have been made vulnerable by our human egos.

Tired is Godly too.

It is always, all alright.

Have that cry – and let it go.

You cannot save everyone from suffering.

Become a Lighthouse.

Shine your light.

Become safe, warm, faithful protection from the storm, for all who are led.


Buddha-Noah is the founder and lead healer of Buddha Life Church – an organization dedicated to helping humans embrace their divine humanness.
You can contact him by visiting:

10 Jun 2016
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The Ultimate Secret of Trusting the Universe – Video

In this video Corey Sheikh, a spiritual transformational leader, reveals how to live your life more effortlessly by letting go of resistance and trusting your intuitive ability to flow with the events that come into your life. You’ll learn how to put yourself in the proper state of mind to enable harmony and personal growth as you reach new levels of fearless acceptance, surrendering, and transformation. Bring yourself into balance and wholeness by paying attention to the important lessons Corey provides in this video.

If you wish to work with Corey one on one you may contact him here



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