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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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29 Aug 2016
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The Gold Standard: Morphing Out of Materialism

“You sit here for days saying, ‘This is strange business.’

You’re the strange business. You have the energy of the sun

in you, but you keep knotting it up at the base of your spine.

You’re some weird kind of gold that wants to stay melted in

the furnace, so you won’t have to become coins.”

~ Rumi

back of one dollar bill

While many of us realize this pivotal moment we’re living heralds a return to unity among all peoples and all life on Earth, visionary author Moira Timms takes the shift a step further, painting a lucid picture of how wealth and wholeness are one. As we remember and reclaim our wholeness/holiness, we elevate the concept of abundance to a “whole” new level.

In Beyond Prophecies and Predictions: Everyone’s Guide to the Coming Changes, Timms describes our emerging “true wealth” consciousness this way: “The mind analyzes — the heart synthesizes. The turning point is where the heart is awakening. The United States motto (inscribed on the banner in the beak of the eagle found on the Great Seal, on the back of a one dollar bill), reminds us that America was founded on the principle of ‘E Pluribus Unum’ — ‘Out of the Many, One.'”

Further, the inscription beneath the Great Pyramid (also part of the Great Seal) says, “Novus Ordo Seclorum” — which translates, appropriately, as “A New Order of the Ages”. Isn’t this amusing? The answer is in money, but it’s not about who can become the richest at others’ expense.

Morphing Out of Materialism

We’re morphing out of materialism. If we insist on consuming planetary resources and each other at the speed of greed, the money will not follow. By the same token, as we reclaim our heritage as Earth stewards, we’ll get funded — naturally. True wealth/prosperity/abundance flows from alignment with purpose. “Get with the program” is not a reference to the latest shopping app! It’s about tuning in to a higher frequency.

The energy of both money and sexuality resides on the second chakra (the Sanskrit word for the seven “wheels of energy” that spin from our root to our crown along the spinal column.) Located in the pelvic region, the second chakra is our “survival center,” says renowned medical intuitive Caroline Myss, Ph.D.

A disconnect in terms of our sexuality might manifest as aggression, hostility, sexual abuse or sexual dysfunction, says Myss. Disconnection in terms of money can manifest as financial loss, or fear of loss of control — which in our culture often expresses as out-of-control spending.

Getting mauled at the mall

Consumption Flu

A fascinating description of this affliction, “affluenza,” originated with a PBS television special. The report defined the epidemic as “an unhappy condition of overload, debt, anxiety and waste, resulting from the dogged pursuit of more.” (Intriguingly, “Consumption” is also the old term for tuberculosis, a disease that infects the lungs. Hard to breathe when you’re stuffed to the gills with stuff!)

Misguided by the notion that buying more equates to being more, we often end up bankrupt, literally and spiritually. “Retail therapy” is a throat lozenge, when we need the spiritual equivalent of rest, warmth and nurturing — healing salves for the soul.

Living in true prosperity requires us to replenish our emotional bank account. It lends new meaning to the term “trust fund.” Since we’ve been schooled to put our trust in a specific income stream as the source of our abundance, rather than in something beyond money, even amassing a fortune can feel hollow.

“Affluenza” substitutes for connection with others, confirms prosperity coach Joan Sotkin. Sotkin says we can’t run out of money, only people. Because money flows from our connection to others, if you’re running out of money, “you’re afraid of being left alone or of abandoning yourself. Money is the energy of relationship. How you deal with money is how you deal with your relationship with yourself and others. You have to make that connection in order for the energy to flow back to you,” she says.

Make deposits in your emotional bank account

Wellness is Well(th)

Myss expands on Sotkin’s observation in the first of her groundbreaking books, Anatomy of the Spirit. She writes, “Money, like energy, is a neutral substance that takes its direction from the intention of the individual. Expressions such as ‘Put your money where your mouth is’ and ‘Talk is cheap’ refer to the cultural view that what people do with their money says more about their motives than any spoken intention. Money is the means through which we make our private beliefs and goals public. Energy precedes action, and the quality of our intentions contributes financially to the results.”

Since the second chakra sacrament is Communion, according to Myss, it represents union with the Divine. In Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can she says, “If breaking bread with (someone) is the physical act of communion, Symbolic Communion is the sharing of energetic ‘bread’ with them. When the second chakra is united with the sacrament of Communion in a positive way, it becomes focused on building healthy, clean, and nonthreatening relationships to money, power, and sex. A sense of safety is always present, giving one the feeling that no matter what problems arise in one’s physical life, a way out can be found.”

Liquid assets

We become truly wealthy by stepping fully into the lifestream. Intriguingly, all of our typical money metaphors contain water imagery: cash flow, liquid assets, currency (currents), reserves (reservoir). “Affluence” literally means, “to flow abundance”. The more we flow with life rather than fight it, the greater our own rising tide of prosperity.

Consider this: from the materialistic perspective, “sliding scale” refers to adjustable fees; as we resonate to a higher octave, sliding scale becomes synonymous with harmony, “The Music of the Spheres.” To reframe one of the most popular songs of an era: we don’t buy the Stairway to Heaven, we climb it — right up the ladder of our chakras to the stars.

The energy of the sun (fire) lives in you. Fire and water are complements, the masculine and feminine principles of life. Once you’ve been forged in the alchemical fire, how will you offer yourself to the world as coins? Newly minted, you are the currency of transformation. Spend yourself wisely, and draw the healing water you need from Life’s well.

© Copyright 2008-2016 Amara Rose. All rights reserved.

About the author:

Amara Rose is a “midwife” for our global rebirth. Her services include transformational guidance, talks, e-courses, a digital download CD, and an inspirational monthly newsletter. She is widely published in health, business and new thought magazines, both digital and print. Learn more:



01 Aug 2016
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Reader Submissions


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01 Aug 2016
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Becoming Whys

“If we have our own ‘why’ of life, we shall get along with almost any ‘how.'”

~ Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher


Becoming “whys” — owning our raison d’être, or reason for being — is the core question of our lives. Why am I here? What is my purpose?

We were taught to put our attention on form rather than function. The popular childhood question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” was reinforced by aptitude tests and guidance counselors who helped us select possible careers. We’ve identified with these labels ever since. So I’m hearing clients, colleagues and friends asking, Should I do my art? Teach? Get a real estate license? Go into sales?

Are You Looking In the Right Place?

My suggestion is, allow form to emerge from focus. Begin by becoming your whys: why are you here now? What are you passionate about? What is your heart calling you to communicate? Once you know your essence Self, how you express it can take many forms.

One client reported, “The most significant moment was when you asked me, ‘What is your work?’ The irony was tremendous… I had been looking for a job for over two years, interviewing with companies all over the country, and your question totally stumped me. What was my work? The question came as a breath of fresh air in my already congested life.”

Molly told me her purpose is “to stand for peace.” But she’s not an activist, organizing marches or chaining herself to fences in protest. While these are certainly viable avenues for expressing one’s truth, her path to peace takes the form of bringing new color and clarity to the magazine where she’s a graphic designer, to the people whose lives she touches. By embodying peace, she stands for it every day in a quiet fullness.

magic moon

Your Awareness Inspires Others

And irony has transmuted to inspiration. Coworkers at her previous and current jobs have said the identical words to her: “You’re a breath of fresh air.” This is what Gandhi meant by, “My life is my message.”

Suppose your whys are about the next generation: you feel inspired to assist children’s spiritual development. Once you know this purpose in your soul, it might take the form of lobbying for changes in public education, writing a book, or becoming a teacher in an alternative educational system such as Waldorf or Montessori. You might decide to home-school your kids, start a neighborhood discussion group, give workshops for parents, or speak at new-thought churches such as Science of Mind and Unity.

The possibilities are limitless. And it all begins with becoming —embracing and embodying — your why.


9 Ways to Clarify Your Why:

  • Relax. We don’t find what we seek through endless searching.
  • Stop. Give yourself permission to stop doing, stop running, stop hurrying. Stop thinking you already know. Relax.
  • Ask. Ask anything you want, but make sure it’s about your own development. Then wait. The answer will come.
  • Listen. Listen with your whole being. You can listen while you work. You can listen while you sleep.
  • Be neutral. Nothing is inherently good or bad in and of itself.
  • Allow. “Trying” builds a wall between wanting and having. In the relaxed space of allowing you begin to receive.
  • Learn. We learn by opening. Begin to balance the energy of opposites within yourself.
  • Stand in it. You’ve learned who you are. Now stand in it. Be it.
  • Give it. You learned it. You’re standing in it. Now give it. Take a chance. Be honest. Be humble. Give as you were given. It returns a thousand-fold.

© Copyright 2003-2016 Amara Rose. All rights reserved.

About the author:

Amara Rose is a “midwife” for our global rebirth. Her services include transformational guidance, talks, e-courses, a digital download CD, and an inspirational monthly newsletter. She is widely published in health, business and new thought magazines, both digital and print. Learn more:






28 Jul 2016
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Developing Weakness

download (1)

In our most natural states, we are the most powerful, as well as the most adaptable, the most observant, yet also the most vulnerable, susceptible, and malleable. While most can agree that a level of insecurity or discontentment is necessary for growth, the amount of time it takes for us to ascend to the next stage of growth is entirely a matter of choice. It is too common today that we simply settle for what’s comfortable, for what would hurt less, or be less stressful.

It is this stagnation that goes against the movement and change of the universe. If we still yet choose to see ourselves as a separate entity from the universe itself, then no matter how comfortable we are, life will still cause pain, stress, inconvenience, sorrow, and so on. At this point, while we still feel these pangs of growth, we can still yet choose to deny the reasons why we are experiencing them. We can choose to blame them on something other than the necessity of change. We can choose to belief these occurrences are but coincidence, and stay in stagnation.

Now, when we are identified with our current position in life, we still have this ruminating sense of separateness in the background, regardless of how much we may have learned about the higher-self, about ego, about humility, or about living. We can learn many, many things, but the end result remains that we are simply interested in the process of learning, as opposed to the subject in study. This can be related to the process of desire; it is less that we are interested in the satisfaction of desire then desire itself.

The more we learn, the more we identify with ourselves as the one who is learning or the one who is ‘gaining’ knowledge. The more knowledge we ‘gain’ the more allowance we have to speak as if we know something which someone else does not – but the fact is, we are merely admitting to ourselves that we have forgotten what we already know, that we deny the power that we have within us.  We admit to ourselves, by this process; that we are unable, that we are less than, that we have not, that we are not, and we ought to work like hell to be something the we aren’t, or gain something we don’t have.  We admit it and therefore, this construct of thought becomes our reality.

The truth remains that we cannot gain something we already have, nor can we become something we already are.

This admission is allowance if irresponsible behavior. We hold no accountability for ourselves or the state of our affairs. We would say, “This is just how I was raised,” or “I didn’t know any better,” or “It’s too difficult for me,” all the while perpetuating the illusion of separateness. While this list is certainly an abbreviation of the potentialities – this says, in truth, that, because of how we were raised, we don’t have to make certain choices. That, because the responsibility of knowing is too much, it’s better to simply make mistakes and be forgiven. This says that, because something requires more effort than we are comfortable exerting, its better to allow someone who is more willing to take on the task. These phrases we use to explain our inadequacy are not explanations, but excuses for our unwillingness to adhere to the twists and turns of the human experience.

This develops a sense of weakness on a deep subconscious level that is almost irreversible.

What is most interesting about this is that – in many cases – the more we might learn, the smarter we might become, we become susceptible to pride, lust, greed, willfulness, self-centeredness, and in some cases fear. All of these mask this sense of weakness, and can just as well exacerbate them.

We agree with ourselves that because we know something that others don’t or have a special title that others admire, that we are surely greater than those without such knowledge or prestige. This is still an admission of weakness – saying that being human in itself is not enough.

Now there are interesting, dualistic outlooks on the idea of weakness. We all have individual concepts of what it means. We might agree that physical strength is that which differentiates the weak from the strong. Some refer to one another’s intellectual abilities to discern weakness. There is also Willpower, Patience, Self-Control, Humility, Success, and many more; all of which shape the outer image of which others define you as. While one individual may find himself in a state of mind in which he feels weak, others may still look to him as strong. There are even those who say strength lies in the ability to accept or admit weakness.

Surrender, as some would call it, is not always looked upon as giving up, or quitting. Surrender can be realized as, not so much of the self, but of a mindset you once held so fervently. You as an individual have been defeated by your own stubbornness. As you stand, have cast yourself into a downward spiral of failure and remorse, and now knowing that the way you have been thinking, or behaving, no longer serves you in the way you believed it did – must give it up. The change that comes from this surrender may scare you – and that fear can very well develop into its own weakness, becoming the potentiality to fail overcoming it.

Fear will cripple you. Interestingly enough, The fear of weakness or failure can be just as debilitating as the desire to be strong. What motivates the desire to be strong better than the fear of being, or remaining, weak? You cannot separate these two ideas. And what is the desire to be strong other that the desire to be better than, to assume you are worthy or deserving of – and what does that give you but a yet greater sense of separation.

What I fear most, is that in this collective growth of consciousness, we find spiritual development as a strength, as something to be admired or worshiped, something that is achievable or attainable. In my personal understanding, Spirituality has it’s foundation in humility; in the ability to be humble, and not use it as a personal endeavor for grandiosity.

So now, with this broad idea of what weakness may be, I present you with something a bit closer to the reality of it;

The idea or the necessity to be stronger, more successful, or more loving and caring, or more calm and composed – or more happy and accepting if you chose to see strength that way – is absolutely opposed to the virtue itself. To say I need to be greater, faster, smarter, kinder, happier – completely discredits the current state of yourself. You, in your current state, in your most natural state – without carrying the past in your memories, without feeding hopes to your future – here and now, you are what strength attempts to define itself as.


About the author Michael Fantano: 

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With a myriad of multifarious written works, Michael lives to discover the Truth as much as he yearns to spread it. Becoming greatly influenced by many authors, philosophers, and spiritualists, he found his passion as an author and fervent seeker. This passion of his stems from an innate desire to help people, of which he most commonly utilizes spending time with the mentally ill as an outlet for. Michael is in the process of writing a Novel series, as well as a Self-Transformation guide-book. You can find him at:

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