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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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16 Sep 2016
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Wounds to Wisdom


“People often think they can solve their problems, heal their wounds and solve the world’s problems by transcending their humanity and their physical body but I feel the solutions to our problems are located within this very body, on this earth, in our imperfect humanity. Sometimes we spend our life striving to be perfect and complete to escape from an inner sense of insufficiency. This often leads us further away from ourselves, further away from the core of our aliveness. Our vital life and freedom is not to be found in ascendance, perfection or completeness but in our very humanity and in our imperfection. Incompleteness is higher than completeness.

Seemingly paradoxically within our very imperfections we can find our wholeness, within our most difficult problems, we can find the solutions. The path to the healing and the path to the creation of a more abundant, benevolent human presence on earth may appear when we directly face our imperfections. It is not that we should glamorize our wounds, nor re-traumatize ourselves by constantly thinking about them but rather we may need to descend beneath our thoughts and go deeper into our body, our senses, our movement patterns, our inner dreams and myths and and our beingness. Then, rather than being something which drag our life down, our very problems may reveal themselves as a potential engines of transformation.

Our woundedness, our vulnerability and our difficult emotions can be treasures in disguise. If we are able to bring awareness to them as body feelings they may give us insights about our individuation process and clues as to what our real calling in life is. When we are able to fully hold our difficult feelings and access their deepest essence they lead us to wisdom, humility and confidence. We may need to learn to descend to the root and core of our power hidden in our bodies, where we find whatever disturbs us may alchemically transform into life energy and power. If we do this we need no longer feel an inner sense of insufficiency; the energy that once manifested as trauma and struggle now transforms itself into power and compassion

All along all our problems have really been our power, our love and our interbeing in a disguised form, they were manifestation of our great Self and the soul of the world trying to wake us up and trying to remind us of who we are. Rather than forever striving to become ‘complete’ we become happily aware of our own incompleteness. Our imperfection becomes the ‘crack in everything’ mentioned by Rumi through which the light shines through. Our incompleteness becomes our intimate connection the earth and with all life.”

About the Author: Jason Hine

You can find Jason on Facebook

16 Sep 2016
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When Did Spirituality Become So Self-Centered?

When did spirituality become so self-centered????

We have the capacity to do better, Light Leaders.
All of this talk about living your best life is dripping with privilege.
People die everyday…due to war, famine, drugs, police state, etc.
What do you truly struggle with?
Your happiness and gratitude and excitement about life is beautiful – but we must go deeper still.
There is a reason why the most effective leaders are not the “happiest” people. It is because they are faced with a more broadened view of the world and greater access to truths on our planet the would depress the most resilient soul.
Sometimes it is okay to put away the smile, roll up your sleeves, and dive into the shitpile.
I am not above the shitpile.
The shitpile is where I do my best work.
Out of the shitpile I was born, and in the shitpile is where I found my Self.
I know this is true for you too.
Be grateful that your number was called at the time it was called, so your experience NOW is what it is.
Are you really speaking about what matters for ALL people…
or are you a holistic entrepreneur with a deeply personal spiritual journey that peaked at abundance and maxed out at Facebook notoriety.


Neither is right or wrong,
but YOU deserve to walk in your true path, and that is always a walk* (yes, walk) in process.
Because many are doing the work – and we desire more community, where we are not being judged for how spiritual and powerful we are within our marketing, our products, and our image.
We simply don’t give a shit about that.
We are ready to wail at the wall, and see it all fall.
There are children that need you. Go see about them.
There are sickly and elderly that need you. Go see about them.
There are the hellish and the hurting. Go see about them.
You can be depressed every day of your life, and still give to the depths of your soul’s ability – for the right reasons, for the right people.
That is the heart of service.
Don’t wait until your business is a success – to do what you think the notoriety will give you access to.
Post a sign, pitch a tent, put up your booth – and go be GREAT in your Light.
Some people want to be taught how to think and grow rich.
Some people want a guide to help them not commit suicide.
Some people want a mentor to help them reach their highest potential in their own chosen path.
What WE really need as ONE people,
Are those with a heart of true service.
Thank you to all those who have truly SERVED humanity, and SERVED individuals beyond the privilege of life coaching, counseling, and empowerment.
If your biggest fear is how you can quit your job and make more money…
Don’t push your luck.
Rather, create your karma.
Go deeper, and you will come out higher.
I will do the same.


Buddha-Noah is the founder and lead healer of Buddha Life Church – an organization dedicated to helping humans embrace their divine humanness.
You can contact him by visiting:

15 Sep 2016
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Knowledge vs Wisdom


“Meditation is not passive sitting in silence. It is sitting in awareness, free from distraction, and realizing the clear understanding that arises from concentration.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh

As a lifelong reader who also meditates every day, I’ve had no choice but to swallow my pride and acknowledge that some things cannot be learned. What do I mean by this? Many people think of wisdom and knowledge as the same thing. Many educational institutions, scientists, artists and others simply believe that the more knowledge they acquire, the smarter they’ll be. People spend lifetimes trying to conquer knowledge at the expense of wisdom. In spending more and more time working with computers, it seems humans have started to believe that they themselves function similarly to computers. The more information they can fit into their heads, the better— or so they think.

A friend recently tried to argue the point that humans today are inherently more wise and more ‘valuable’ than humans of the past simply because they have more potential access to information. I found myself vehemently disagreeing with this sentiment. Time doesn’t objectively make anyone smarter and it certainly doesn’t make anyone wiser.

Those who choose to access wisdom find it, but throughout history they have always been a small and select population. Time may contribute to a larger collective pool of potential knowledge, but this is not wisdom. Access to this information may give people the appearance of being better informed, but it doesn’t make them wiser.

This fundamental error comes from people feeling historically distant from the idea of wisdom. Young people in America today are not all that religious. If they are religious, it’s rare that they are spiritual. Religion has been pitted against knowledge and, as always, the popular arguments against religion rarely take into account the valuable wisdom that can be produced by spiritual experience. Even meditators often just start because they think meditation is going to make them calmer and more productive. A mere century of industrialization and modernization has convinced people that man’s highest consciousness is productive consciousness. What an odd paradox that as man moves towards material satisfaction and comfort he finds himself further and further away from spiritual life.

Here’s the fundamental difference between knowledge and wisdom— knowledge comes from ‘out there’, while wisdom comes from within. You can spend your life holed up in the Ivory Tower at a respected university reciting the same old lecture on Wittgenstein ad infinitum til’ kingdom come, but that doesn’t make you wise.

To put it simply: knowledge is acquired, wisdom is uncovered. The things that you truly know, not facts or statistics or even things that can be expressed though language, are already in you waiting to be uncovered by your attention. Spiritual experience is the process of recognizing this innate wisdom. Compassion comes when we recognize that others have this wisdom and can access it if they wish. Sitting and reflecting often requires a certain humility and calmness. When we stand back and give ourselves some respect and some space, wisdom emerges. It comes in the quiet periods after thoughts begin to fade away.

charlie ambler daily zen
Charlie Ambler is the founder of DailyZen, support his work by clicking here

15 Sep 2016
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Transcending Fear with Corey Sheikh

Overcoming FEAR!

But how do we do this without so much anger and resentment for the beautiful gifts of joy in which we call.. fears.

To complete our cycles we must come into NEUTRALITY.

For most of my life, I felt the need to FIGHT.

Fight against everyone, everything.

My ego was never satisfied, my mind always wanted more, I was in constant activity and strife.

The pain turned into suffering, as I felt a need to control all things, all situations, all people.

Never a dull moment, rather.. never a quiet moment. The perpetual addiction to “everything” resisted my realization of “nothing”.

Forever, there was a core just waiting to be tasted. A fruit of unmatched taste. The blessing and gift in which is bestowed upon us all, was a divine realization waiting for my arrival.

As I look, and as I see, in clarity, it is the avoidance of our withdrawal in which we shall ultimately face. The fire in which seems so large to small eyes, but ultimately insignificantly small to the eyes of the infinite creator.

This void space, where all is at peace, all is one, all is whole, because one is in need of nothing. One is desire-less, though one is connected to the highest desire. The desire of the manifestation of their highest self, their expanded self, their divine self. This is the truth, it is the truest truth, for nothing shall get simpler than just BEING as you are knowing the path in which is unfolding for you.

Trust, faith and surrender seem to not coincide with a mind, an existence, a life of FIGHTING. We are not here to fight, we do not need to battle, we need to make peace. First with ourselves, then with the other.

Know you truth, know your path, know your essence and it all shall be gifted back to you in clarity.

This whole “You are your own Guru” thing is quite interesting.

As I deep in my devotion to a true master. One who does not “teach” but gives direct experience, I recognize deeper and deeper the need for a physical master as the utmost importance in ones spiritual quest.

This has only come in the direct relationship to the release from my own ego.

As my ego arises at any point during my experience, my devotion and recognition of the obvious master-disciple relationship begins to falter.

Coincidentally ( lol) I sink into old habits, patterns and cycles of suffering.

As I walk the path, I am teaching what it is that I am coming into direct experience with. It is the reason why the teachings have come so far compared to the “book knowledge” much of it was in the past.

I am recognizing my limits to my students in humbleness to the vastness of this journey, and in that I step out of the trap of “you are your own guru”.

There is truth to this on absolute level.

We are all one, we are all coming from source, and we are all enlightened at the seed of our awareness.

However this is similar to “faking it till you make it” – its needed, but what is also needed is some humble pie to recognize there is deep level action required and necessary for you to walk the path.

Part of this is the devotion to true master or energy in which is guiding you through the depths of infinity.

The truth in all simply being a mirror for you is of highest importance.

When I sit with someone 1on1 I can ONLY be a mirror, as I can only give back what I have truly experienced, and on a deeper level, I can only give you back what YOU have experienced. This is the reality and limit to perception itself.

We are here not to be slaves of any master, however we are also here to recognize and be humble to the TRUE masters who are simply here to serve us. They are already in a space of liberation, they are here in recognition and oneness that you also connect to that liberation, and it is your divine birthright

corey-sheikh-ommCorey Sheikh is a visionary spiritual teacher, entrepreneur, activator, and co-founder of the Ottowa Lifestyle Centre. Work with him by clicking here.


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