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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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03 Dec 2016
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Home. Except for love, perhaps no word in the English language conjures more evocative imagery. We crave the cozy, nurturing, roaring-fire scene depicted so effectively on film. Home houses our identity. It’s less about the four walls than what they represent: “the abode of one’s affections, peace or rest,” according to Merriam-Webster. At some point in our lives, many women (and men, too, if they will admit it) harbor a fearful fantasy of becoming a “bag lady/guy,” carting our belongings out on the street. We see the homeless and quake — “there but for the grace of God go I.”

What we’re seeking is a sense of security inside ourselves, a home within that can never be taken away. As national boundaries dissolve and corporations invite poets and spiritual mentors into their boardrooms, the hunger for this broader definition of home has never been greater.

From Me to We

Creating this inner sanctuary will entail a quantum shift for many of us: out of the competitive, “What’s in it for me” worldview into a more collaborative, compassionate perspective in which the operative question becomes, “How may I serve?”

For instance: as record numbers of us skate towards elderhood, home care has become a hot topic. What does this mean? On one level, “home care” is about providing caregiving in the home to enable our elders and homebound to remain in their comfort zones. But the larger view begs our attention. Before we can care for our home, we need to know it viscerally. We must embody the place of wholeness that wants to be born in us.

Our own bodies and the planetary body are inextricably linked. Anthropologist Gregory Bateson speaks of “the pattern that connects,” the common ground of our unity. We exist in relationship to everyone and everything else on Earth. What kind of home care is our aging Mother receiving? Maybe that’s the real key to conscious aging: caring for the personal and the planetary with equal reverence.

Living in Tune with Nature

In other societies, the old ones are the keepers of wisdom. So-called developing cultures that honor their tribal elders also honor the land in which they live. “Home care” is a unified practice for them, as indigenous as the planting and the reaping, as natural as celebrating life’s quotidian rhythms with ritual.

In this visionary view, we’re all caregivers — Earth stewards, some say. Home care for our elders is rooted in how we create home in our daily lives. What kind of home do we want to cultivate and care for, inside ourselves, interpersonally, and as part of the collective “home body” we inhabit?

Try this: for the next week, take a time-out from worrying about the economy, your teenager’s pierced body parts and the latest virus scare to live into the larger questions about the quality of life you’re choosing in every moment, by the way you live, by what you do and don’t honor. Does your definition of home serve you? Is it inclusive or exclusive? Will your practice of home care help create a sustainable future for us all?

Within a decade, for the first time in human history, the number of people in the world aged 65 and older will exceed that of children under five. If you’re not already among this exhalted majority, one day you will look in the mirror and see your grandmother’s or grandfather’s eyes. Will they reflect the wisdom of generativity, of the home that you carry with you always, as a turtle does, caring for it because it is an intrinsic part of you?

Native Americans call this planet Turtle Island. I imagine this is what they mean.

© Copyright 1999-2016 Amara Rose

About the Author:

Amara Rose is a metaphysical “midwife” for our global rebirth. She offers spiritual mentoring, e-courses, a CD/mp3 of the journey to awakening, and an inspirational monthly newsletter.

Learn more at You can also connect with Amara on Twitter and Facebook.



02 Nov 2016
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Self Love Journey


This month we took a moment in the midst of the outer world of chaos to ask,

What is self love as it relates to energy medicine.

We are at the cusp of an energy revolution. We are entering the most intensified purification process the Earth and humanity has ever experienced. In every choice in life we must be mindfully aware of the ebb and flow of energy. Is it time to absorb energy, to dispense it or to conserve it? We are each filled with universal life force energy. This subtle energy that the ancient Taoist call Qi, is the essence of our being, our consciousness, our soul. As the flow of life force energy moves through our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies, it can become unbalanced, stagnant, or blocked. Life force energy needs to be maintained in a balance of external energy output and internal energy production.

Your feelings will soon become your primary guidance system for navigating through your experience. We need a certain level of life force energy for our very survival. Our sources of internal energy come from channeling life force energy in the highest vibration. This vibration is that of pure joy, lightness, happiness, truth, understanding, and most of all love. It comes from the sun, food, the breath, sleep, exercise, experiences that uplift and nourish, recharging and a vast range of spiritual practices, such as meditation. Self care, self love and energetic boundaries are medicine for the soul. They are crucial to our well and no longer considered a luxury. The new currency is vital life force energy exchange.

A primary part of this consciousness shift is that we are increasing the vibration of our physical bodies to higher frequencies so that we can absorb more energy at the DNA level. Absorbing the wrong energy around us can deplete our ability to store internal energy. It is often necessary to clear out these energies before we can begin to truly tap into our own power. This may mean removing yourself from certain situations that feel depleting, letting negative relationships go, learning how to shield yourself properly, learning how to clear energy and most importantly learning how to cultivate Qi.

It is imperative to learn practices for how you want to manage yourself around energies that vibrate at a different frequency, one perhaps that is lower than yours. High vibration comes from a pure source that rejuvenates and creates energy without depletion. It is renewable and endless. It has the ability to heal and expand in ways that can transform all that comes in contact with it. We may see a glimpse of this energy in times of great joy. However unless we are able to change our vibration at the DNA level, it is most difficult to maintain.

Raising the vibration consists of clearing out dense energy that no longer serve us. It is the process of infusing our body with light. This can transform our physical bodies and elevate our consciousness. Learning to function as a multidimensional being, we can begin to step into our infinite potential. What I am speaking to is indeed a lifestyle change. It requires mindfulness with every aspect of our being including what we eat, who we spend time with, what we expose our senses to, how we spend our time, what we think, what we speak into creation and most certainly healing our emotions and forgiving our past. When you make a commitment to this process of Raising your vibration, expect to see dramatic changes. You may see all of your relationships transform. You may be surrounded by people who do not understand this process. You may feel compelled to move out of the environment that you are living in. You may feel confused and alone at times, questioning why you feel called to make such changes. It all depends on your own soul’s personal journey. The shift begins to happen on the very subtle etheric plane, the realm of thought and intention. Then with consistency and time, you eventually begin to see the fruits of the changes you made, manifesting into the physical realm, the realm of creation.

For me, this has been a five year process that required me learning to trust the urges inside of me that were calling me deeply into the unknown. For the most part, my primary support was all in the unseen realms. There were many times that I questioned and doubted myself as it would feel I had stepped into an entirely new world alone. However it is my purpose to serve as a teacher of alignment, ascension, the nature of this universe and ultimately everything happened exactly as it needed. Only now in hindsight I can say that with confidence. I can truly say there is nothing more beautiful than being alive and awake right now with this level of awareness. I have guided many people to transform their state of consciousness and their life circumstances from all walks of life because this is my highest passion.

Learning to find ease in every situation becomes a major tool in managing energy. We refer to this as the path of least resistance. This is a path of being true to yourself, listening to the heart, living in the now moment and following your bliss. This path is about trusting the divine plan and the perfect unfoldment of life’s greatest miracles. I teach mastering the art of allowing, surrendering to the flow and knowing that everything in the Universe is working to support your wellbeing at all times. I help people recognize the importance of divine timing and understanding that sometimes there are certain pieces that must line up before life can play out the way that it is destined to. Ultimately this knowledge is already present within each of us. This is the time we have chosen to awaken and full step into our divine nature. Be certain that this planetary shift is happening beneath the surface in ways that are beyond what we can imagine.


By: Ascension Lifestyle Contributor Hasnaa

IMG_3415Raised by two parents who are spiritual teachers, Hasnaa has been immersed in a world of mysticism, ceremony and celebration since before she was born. She is currently in training as a Priestess and has found her calling teaching others how to embody their higher self and their soul’s purpose. Born a clairsentient, she has learned the importance of living in alignment with one’s intuition and most authentic self. Hasnaa uses her etheric abilities to remind people of the vibrational, energetic nature of this universe. The key elements that differentiate her work from others include the depth of knowledge and experience within a diverse range of esoteric spiritual traditions and energetic practices. She is an experienced in metaphysics, universal law, spiritual law, ceremony, ritual, reincarnation and meditation. She specializes in helping people honor their soul’s highest purpose and their pre-birth plan. Hasnaa incorporates ancient knowledge as well as cutting edge information to intuitively create a program for her private clients that will awaken their potential and create deep transformational healing.

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01 Nov 2016
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Surrender To Your True Potential


If we embrace nature as our reflection we can discover patterns that will give us insight to the process of human evolution. We know a flower has reached it’s full potential when it blossoms enough to fully emit a fragrance. When a flower is closed you will only get a hint of its allure. Imagine only being familiar with experiencing gardens filled with unopened flowers your entire life. You would have no idea how much more alive your sense of scent could be if all of the flowers had a chance to fully bloom.

This entire planet is a garden and we are the flowers. Many of us transcend without allowing ourselves to fully blossom. We all have different scents to emit but we have been conditioned to believe only a few fragrances are valid. We have created a global economic system based on the foundation of this idea. Now that this system is breaking down because it is no longer sustainable we are being forced to explore avenues outside of popular discourse.

When you have spent your entire adult life basing your self worth on a career that is quickly becoming extinct, you come to a new fork in the road. You have no choice but to re-evaluate your sense of self worth. This space can be very unnerving and exuberating all at the same time. It triggers a deep sense of cognitive dissonance that can potentially serve as a catalyst for your evolution.

This is the perfect opportunity to explore yourself outside of your mind and inside of your heart. The keys to your path of success can be found within your heart’s desires. We have been taught to neglect our passions for a “false” sense of financial security. Pursuing a career that does not satisfy the soul can lead to resentment and chronic stress. It is time to interact with the world in a more authentic way so we can experience a true sense of fulfillment.

To unravel this hidden part of ourselves we need to face the fears within our heart. We have allowed societal norms to influence and limit our perspectives. This has led us to become lost within false identities that are not aligned with our higher self.

Walking Through the Fear

Once you decide to align with your purpose, parts of you begin to die. Friends, jobs and many things you may have been attached to start falling away. Your comfort zone is slowly dismantled before your eyes. This is when the most strength is needed to keep moving forward. Fear is never the REAL issue when choosing to live from the heart, allowing fear to stop you from moving forward is.

Friends and family members will judge you for leaving your “safe” career behind and investing in yourself. They are only projecting their fear upon you connected to not having enough courage to do the same. You will have times where you will feel like giving up because things are not going your way. There will be times where your frustration may bring you close to a nervous breakdown. This is only because there is no way your mind can fathom how opportunities and support will show up in your life. Your intuition is the most accurate compass, not your mind. Love will always lead you back to yourself and your heart is the GPS to follow along the path of fulfillment.

01 Nov 2016
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Living In the Zone


Twice a year, approximately 70 countries worldwide create a collective illusion: saving time. We move the hands of our clocks, and think we’ve harnessed the sun.

Cultures that live in tune with natural rhythms do not alter their clocks, because clocks do not define their time. The seasons and the stars do.

“The stars want to see themselves!”

Green Flash Sunset Gull in Silhouette 1200mm 30Oct2009 . Sunset with small green flash and a gull bird flying forming a silhouette in front of the blazing setting sun with 1200mm (600mm + 2X Tele-extender) off the coast of Morro Bay, CA 30 Oct. 2009. Minimal global adjustments in Lightroom in RAW conversion. Photomorrobay Yahoo! Group Meet-up Friday 30 Oct. 2009, Morro Bay, CA - Invite said: Can you Join me/us for a Photo Meet-up Friday 10/30/09 5:30 - 7PM Morro Strand State Beach at Azure Street entrance, at water's edge... for sunset (possible green flash; birds in silhouette in front of sun) and airplane's flying past moon? Bring as long a lens as you have, and a tripod for these kinds of shots. Of course, wide-angle sunsets are terrific too. Just come and have fun! Howard Ignatius and I (Mike Baird) went out yesterday (10/29/09) on a whim and loved what we saw. 6:17 PM 6:09 PM Sunset: 6:11PM Civil Twilight: 6:37PM Reminder, re-set your camera clocks this weekend when daylight savings time ends! (10/31 - 11/1 2009) . Tried to reproduce Two Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) fly in front of the setting sun in silhouette off Morro Strand State Beach, in Morro Bay, CA., and Airplane Flies by the Moon in post-sunset light. Photo by Michael "Mike" L. Baird, mike at mikebaird d o t com,, Canon 1D Mark III in Liveview mode (effectively locks the mirror up), IS off, remote shutter release, with Circular Polarizer (did not even adjust it), on a Canon EF 600mm f/4L IS USM Super Telephoto Lens for Canon SLR Cameras on a Wimberley Head II from on a Gitzo GZGT5540LS Gitzo Series 5 tripod, Systematic Tele Studex 6 X Carbon Fiber 4 Section Tripod Legs with G-Lock, Maximum Load 55.0 lbs. Maximum Height 59.4 from

Thought leader Deepak Chopra, MD, once shared how he explained existence to his three-year-old granddaughter as they walked along the beach at sunset. Essentially, he told her she is made of starlight, and that the spirit of the stars is reflected in her eyes. Tara was silent for fifteen minutes while she digested this information. Then she said, “Nanna, look up!” When Chopra asked why, she replied, “The stars want to see themselves!”

Time is elastic. Athletes know this. When athletes move into the space known as “the zone,” time slows down. They see every move or play with perfect clarity, and execute the correct maneuvers as if in a dream, sensing the triumphant outcome. Something expands within them that translates into successful action.

How many people do you know who never seem to have “enough” time? We are each gifted with the same twenty-four hour cycle to use as we choose. People who are time-deprived are exhibiting one aspect of our pervasive scarcity consciousness.

How limits expand possibility

In The Energy of Money, psychologist Maria Nemeth writes, “Scarcity is a reality in the physical domain. As a minister friend of mine once told me, ‘It’s as though we got bored living without limits. We decided to incarnate — which means, literally, to turn into meat. We further chose to work with the limits of form, time and finite energy. This was to see how much of the divine we could bring into the mundane before it was time for us to leave.'”

As paradoxical as it may seem, says Nemeth, “We reach the infinite through living fully in the finite. The infinite is not reached by trying to ignore limits, as many of us try to do.”

And in Eastern Body, Western Mind, chakra expert Anodea Judith observes, “Manifestation requires an acceptance of limitation. A boundary allows us to contain, and thus collect and build.”


What “enough” really means

So holding the “both/and” is a prerequisite to freedom, whether from the constraints of the clock or the tyranny of the paycheck: We must accept limitation in order to transcend it. This is what zone athletes do.

As we set our clocks back an hour this Sunday (in the United States), let’s look out at the stars and remember what we’re made of. Recognize the expansive possibilities that exist within the limits of form.

There is enough. It’s just a question of consciousness. Choose to embrace the both/and, and you’ll grow with the flow!

© Copyright 2005-2016 Amara Rose. All rights reserved.

About the author:

Amara Rose is a spiritual artisan and “midwife” for our global rebirth. She offers one-to-one guidance, e-courses, a digital download CD, talks and playshops to accelerate your evolutionary journey, and is widely published in health, business and new thought magazines, both digital and print. Learn more at, where you can also subscribe to her free e-newsletter, What Shines.


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