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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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19 Jan 2017
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Be As You Are

You are enough


The Veil of Illusion

We spend many lifetimes often choosing to have a very tiny aspect of our consciousness incarnate into a physical experience in order to have the opportunity to bring more consciousness to all. Unhealed emotions are deeply embedded in the individual and collective unconscious. To heal something we need to experience it. This includes false beliefs. Things that we judge from the personality egoic mind as imperfection, from the perspective of the soul we can never be less than perfect.

We live in a reality of illusion, a constant dream state, behind a veil. This is part of the soul contract that we have agreed to when we decided to take part in this Earth School experiment. We created the illusion that we are Separate(ego). We place some of our consciousness into a physical body and focus solely on the physical reality. We agreed that we would experience a collective amnesia, we would forget who we are and through our life experiences we would have the opportunity to once again discover the truth of our divine nature. The reason we chose to spend time in this physical incarnation is that contrast of this sort does not exist in the spirit and other non-physical realms. We plan experiences in order to know ourselves as love, compassion, and deeply connected to Source.

Through these opportunities of contrast we are awakened to the deeper truth of who we are. By immersing ourselves in experiences lacking in compassion, we create an impetus to develop internal compassion. This is a life of learning through opposites, a path of profound spiritual growth. The soul plans may include handicaps, illnesses, limitations, physical accidents, drug addiction, homelessness, or many other types as challenges. All That Is benefits from the expansion that we create. So not only do we benefit from our own souls lessons, but we offer insight and inspiration to the entire Universe through this great work. As souls we do not judge. From a spirit perspective, all judgement is self judgement. This may be due in part to the fact that on a subtle level we are aware that we chose the experiences we have lived.

Enlightenment is self love. Along with forgiveness, gratitude is a sacred vibration. It immediately aligns us with a flow of All That Is. We express gratitude not to say that we are happy for our suffering but rather for the growth we have experienced. Stay in gratitude that you have been given opportunities to awaken to higher levels of consciousness. Many do not have this consciousness available to them. Staying in a state of gratitude helps the shift the focus to healing. The ongoing practice of gratitude has proven effects on the well being of the body including being linked with lower rates of heart diseases. Free will is always available to us at any moment that we chose that we no longer wish to move through the experiences that we set up to learn in the exact same manner as was written. We can do this by increasing our vibrational frequency.

Practicing compassion, gratitude, forgiveness and taking more loving actions towards others. In my belief everything has a higher meaning. I have learned to trust and surrender my limited understanding of the true meaning behind all of my experiences. I simply practice going with the flow. Knowing that in time all truth will be revealed. Our challenge is to find the beauty in the midst of all of our challenges. The true mark of an enlightened being is their ability to turn a negative experience into a positive one. Each of us has a divine purpose. Often the specific challenges that you planned will have a direct correlation with what we want to share with the rest of the world. I pray this week brings you closer to all that you desire to know.

Peace and blessings to All.

By: Ascension Lifestyle Contributor Hasnaa

IMG_3415Raised by two parents who are spiritual teachers, Hasnaa has been immersed in a world of mysticism, ceremony and celebration since before she was born. She is currently in training as a Priestess and has found her calling teaching others how to embody their higher self and their soul’s purpose. Born a clairsentient, she has learned the importance of living in alignment with one’s intuition and most authentic self. Hasnaa uses her etheric abilities to remind people of the vibrational, energetic nature of this universe. The key elements that differentiate her work from others include the depth of knowledge and experience within a diverse range of esoteric spiritual traditions and energetic practices. She is an experienced in metaphysics, universal law, spiritual law, ceremony, ritual, reincarnation and meditation. She specializes in helping people honor their soul’s highest purpose and their pre-birth plan. Hasnaa incorporates ancient knowledge as well as cutting edge information to intuitively create a program for her private clients that will awaken their potential and create deep transformational healing.

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19 Jan 2017
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Dancing with the Shadow


In the darkest days of winter, we celebrate the rebirth of light. With candles and electric light strings we bring comfort and brightness to the long, cold nights. Light and darkness – they cannot be separated from each other in a world of dualism any more than the positive pole can be separated from the negative pole of a magnet.

Over the past months, the polarization of our nation (and possibly our world) has gone to another extreme. Fear and rage have reached a fever pitch. Many of my friends who belong to minority groups are in panic about the near future for both themselves and their loved ones. Some are even striking out at their friends, blaming them for the horrors to come. Others are completely baffled by the violent response to the election of Donald Trump as the figurehead of the United States of America and the Supreme Commander of the most powerful, or at least the most expensive, armed forces on earth.

So where do we stand as travelers on a spiritual path? How do we move forward from here? Blessed are the peacemakers, but when you are dealing with bigotry and fascism there can be no compromise. Standing firm in our truth, we cannot accept any degree of degradation of and violence against women, immigrants, people of color, different religions, sexual identities or orientation. And in standing firm, we must be careful not to become what we reject. By hating those who hate, we add to hatred, obviously.

In the midst of an emotional storm, we all slip into the simplistic polarization of good versus evil. Then we either attack or try to run from whatever we perceive as evil. This is not necessarily helpful, but it is a physiological survival response that is hardwired into our central nervous system. Unless you have already attained absolute enlightenment, you will experience this. Period.

Don’t add fuel to the fire. Feel your feelings, acknowledge them in their full intensity, but choose your actions carefully. But don’t suppress your feelings, either. If you do, they will come out sideways, and usually at the most inopportune moment. If it helps to write a scathing letter, do so. Just don’t send or post it. Read it out loud with all the emotions behind the words, and then delete, burn, or tear it up. Scream into your pillow or at the stars. They don’t care. They love you anyway. Share your fears with trusted friends, if that helps, but be careful that you don’t catastrophize together.

Allow the storm to pass, and it will. Only if the mind insists on continued drama to maintain the high adrenaline levels it is accustomed to, will the storm persist beyond its natural function. Fear and rage are survival functions that have evolved to help us avoid or get us out of the danger zone. Prolonged beyond the immediate danger, though, they become hazardous to our health.

So when looking at our national and global situation, are we truly in the acute danger zone? – Climate change is real and well under way. It takes a very determined ego to deny that now. We live in an era of mass extinctions. Every day, species are disappearing from the earth forever. Fascist forces are on the rise. In the US we don’t like to call them that, but the use of government functions and forces to support the goals of mega-corporations is called fascism in every other part of the world. And now we let not just a fox, but an army of weasels, into the henhouse in Washington, DC. So things are not looking very promising in the near-term.

So let’s look from afar, not just from an eagle’s view, but rather from a cosmic perspective of the place and time we are living in.

Earth wobbles on a tilting axis as it spins around our ever-moving sun in one of the arms of a galaxy spiraling around a gigantic black hole at its center. The universe itself is expanding, so the galaxy, too, is moving in relationship to other galaxies and nebulas. It takes over 200 million years, give or take a few, for our sun to make one full turn around the galaxy’s axis, and even upon its completion, it is not where it used to be. Even if we could live that long, we would never end up in the same place twice. It is not possible. Our mind likes to use the past as a reference point to project probable outcomes into the future. But in truth, we have never been here before. Where we find ourselves right now is completely new and unprecedented. So we really don’t know, cannot know, how events will unfold. Only fear tells us otherwise.

We can insist on calamity and experience the situation as that. Or we can go with the flow and trust that there are forces at work in this amazing universe that are far beyond human control, and they drive evolution. Life itself is a force beyond our comprehension. Consciousness is not the thinking mind. It is much more than that, and it cannot be controlled by the mind. It is irrepressible and unique in each and every expression, not just the human being. Like energy, it can neither be created nor destroyed. It simply IS, changing its expression and form all the time.

I exist. You exist. One life or a thousand lifetimes exist within the eternity of consciousness like the blink of an eye. Evolution is patient and unstoppable. It is also not a linear process, apparently. Periods of mass extinction have come before, and they were followed by periods of mass proliferation of entirely new life forms. Whatever we are facing, it is not the end.

Armageddon literally means the lifting of the veil. Nothing can remain hidden. No more secrets, all shall be revealed. In that sense, we are right in the middle of Armageddon. Individually and collectively, our light as well as our shadow is being exposed.


What Donald Trump has brought to the surface during his campaign is nothing new. His speeches have not turned loving people into bigots. He has simply given permission for existing bigotry to become openly visible.

In all honesty, each and every one of us has a shadow aspect of our psyche that harbors prejudice and fear of the other. One cannot grow up in this culture without being exposed to this conditioning. Prejudice and bigotry can even be hidden under the guise of low self-esteem. Feeling less deserving of respect and dignity because I am a woman living in a man’s world, that is a form of bigotry. Feeling ashamed or superior because of my gender orientation, skin color, religion or lack thereof, is discrimination. Holding judgment against myself actually is more painful than others judging me. And we all were taught to do it. All of us hold some shame about being too much this, or not enough that.

We all have a shadow. This is part of the human condition while living in our physical world. Fighting the shadow means your thinking self is battling your feeling self. This is exhausting and unsuccessful. Projecting your own shadow onto a group of people who are different from you deflects your own pain but leads in the extreme to genocide and holocaust. One way or another, fighting the shadow turns into war on a personal or global scale. This war has been fought for as long as men have been able to throw sticks and stones at each other. It almost led to man’s self-annihilation. But somehow we managed to turn that page and start an entirely different story.

This new story is one of transformation, not just birthing a new child to the same species. At this point in time we are participating in something akin to the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. This is not a cognitive achievement. The caterpillar has no conscious control over the process. Instead, it allows the unfolding in complete trust. It carries within its body a chrysalis that is revealed as the caterpillar wriggles out of its old skin. Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar’s structure turns into stem cell goo. Out of that goo, a new structure forms, miraculously. There was nothing visible in the caterpillar that would suggest wings. And yet, inside the chrysalis, the DNA gets activated to shape a creature of flight and light.

The planet and the human species are entering the chrysalis stage right now. Old structures are dissolving. The old ways of doing things are no longer working. Control is exposed as illusion. Worldly power fights back with all its might. But human might has no influence over cosmic arrangements.

The geomagnetic field of the earth is weakening. This is not a man made problem. It is part of the evolution of earth itself. Without the strength of the geomagnetic field, more solar and cosmic radiation is entering the poles and biosphere. This is an evolutionary challenge: adapt or die. When our spiritual teachers tell us that the energy on the planet is rising, it is not just a metaphor. This is a physical reality, and not one to be feared. On the contrary, this is what we have been waiting for.

This is the energy required for the planet and the human species to go through their metamorphosis into the next higher state of existence. We cannot get there as long as we are fragmented and unaware, fighting the shadow aspects of our psyche or repressing them. We have an urgent invitation now to dance with the shadow.

What does that mean? We acknowledge the darkness as simply an absence of light, not as a force opposing light. The shadow is nothing more than a collection of all the fearful and unloved aspects of ourselves. Understanding and compassion allow us to love what seemed to be unlovable while it was hidden away in shame. Shame turns to rage because it is too painful to bear. Rage turns outward to avoid self-destruction. Bigotry is rage against the outwardly projected shadow.

If we follow shame back to its origin, we arrive at the early days of a little child who came into this world full of unconditional love that was rejected. For their own reasons the parent(s) and community could not accept or even recognize that gift of love. They were unable to reflect the necessary love and emotional nurturing the child required to develop a sense of security and trust in life itself. When security through unconditional love seems unobtainable, control and power provide a poor substitute.

Behind the façade of bigotry there is always a scared little child longing for safety and love. But admitting that makes us much too vulnerable in a world that is built on power, control, and survival of the meanest. We can heal this dilemma by embracing the unloved and scared aspects of ourselves first. When we can do that, we will recognize them in others, as well, and find it in our hearts to love them, too.

Compassion for bigots is not approval of bigotry. It is transformation of shadow into light. By loving all, even those who cannot love themselves, we raise the energy in ourselves and in the world. We can become the first butterfly-humans if we trust that love is the primary force in this universe and all possible others.

Do you have the courage to trust? Then take a deep breath and let go…



About the Author:


Shana Dieterle, PT, CST-D, is a Diplomate Certified CranioSacral Therapist, Physical Therapist and Light Worker practicing in Missoula, MT. She has spent her life studying and consciously experiencing being human through touch, motion, and deep listening. Nature is her source of joy, strength and inspiration. Guiding people back to the Inner Wisdom of their own essence is her vocation. For further information go to




06 Jan 2017
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Inner Space, the Final Frontier

“Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family.

Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.”

~ Jane Howard



In the 3rd millennium, we’re designing ways to travel that weave us more deeply into life’s web. People are opening their hearts and homes to intrepid travelers from around the world. Airbnb is in nearly 200 countries and expanding by the micro-minute. caters to travelers over forty, with the same basic concept: stay in a homey environment instead of a sterile hotel, and learn about your destination from the inside out.

This Earth Trek might be the ultimate social network. Because we’re searching for something beyond simple travel comfort.

We’re all driven by a fundamental need to be heard, acknowledged and loved. One of the greatest challenges is remaining present, open and loving when the other party — often a family member — can rapidly reduce us to a needy, sensitive child. When another’s reality clashes with ours, we must find a way to bridge the chasm. And sometimes the people who share our DNA are harder to reach than strangers.


Photo By Alessio Lin

Awakening guide Gillian Macbeth-Louthan writes, “You are asked to become the healer, you are asked to become the scholar. You are asked to become all that you shirk. You are asked to redesign yourself in a collage of life imitating art. You are asked to step up to the plate and sup upon what is needed to be done, let it fuel your life force. Instead of allowing life and her daily deeds to suck all of your energy, allow it to give you increased energy from all circumstances that surround you. Stop whining about what has befallen you and see it as a heavenly helping hand, a piece of the soul puzzle you seek to fit the picture in your heart.”

That’s the ultimate cosmic kick in the root chakra!

Getting here calls for a subtle shift in perception and behavior: from require to inquire, from escalate to elevate, from accumulate to appreciate. As we cease consuming planetary resources and each other at the speed of greed, let go of buying more in favor of being more, we reclaim our true heritage as Earth stewards, heart stewards (Earth and heart are the same word; only the “h”, for Home, relocates). Then barrenness transmutes into bounty. Separation into synergy. Fear into faith. Longing into Love.

During this season of transmutation, as we reach out to build connections with our brothers and sisters in diverse communities
and circumstances, let’s remember to fill our own wells first, so we have enough overflow to pour ourselves into another’s outstretched cup.

We become self-renewing by gathering knowledge from our experience, forging it into wisdom in the alchemical fire, and serving as vessels to share the gift. Conscious evolution favors the curious and kind mind. Truth nourishes us in ways we might never have imagined. Synchronicity takes us by the hand and we laugh in child-like wonder as we witness Spirit-in-action, again and again and again.

This is how we “win” the space race: by boldly going where no one has gone before, deep into one another’s hearts. May you journey well.

© Copyright 2010-2017 by Amara Rose


About the Author:

Amara Rose is a metaphysical “midwife” for our global rebirth. She offers spiritual mentoring, e-courses, a CD/mp3 of the journey to awakening, and an inspirational monthly newsletter.

Learn more at Connect with Amara on Twitter and Facebook.

07 Dec 2016
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Ways to Make You Love Every Bit of You


One of the first mistakes people make is searching for the happiness in the outside world instead of finding it within. Our dependency on other people’s opinion and the society’s pressure to fit into certain molds – can make us feel inadequate, lonely, and unlovable. What is worse, most people experiencing this stay quiet: they tumble through their everyday, never getting the love they truly deserve. No, this is not about romantic love: we’re talking about self-love. Feelings of unworthiness transfer to everything you do and their true danger lies in the fact they trigger a delusion they are a part of your identity.

Identity isn’t something that’s fixed and unchangeable. Our souls are fluid and fragile, constantly processing everything that’s put upon them and nobody is immune to that. Depending on the way a person has been raised and how the world shaped their identity, it can experience more or fewer difficulties to learn the essence of self-love.  Sometimes, it is harder than one may think and while it’s easy to blame the world for it – you should take your share of responsibility. It’s easier not to do anything and indulge in self-pity instead of stop making excuses. Postponing this does you no good: start with three small steps.

The first step towards loving yourself is realizing you do have the right to be loved. Frequent disappointments in dating world can leave you thinking there’s something wrong with you. This attitude comes from not being at peace with yourself: you have to stop assessing your personal value through relationships with others. Instead of asking yourself – does he love me for who I am, try making it the other way around: do I love him for who he is? We often accept others’ love out of fear of loneliness. If it falls apart, stop blaming him or yourself. Some things aren’t meant to work out: what’s for you won’t pass you by. There is a higher force taking care of you.


The second step would be mapping out the reasons you feel bad about yourself. Too often we forget that the only thing standing in the way of achieving our dreams – are we alone. You have the power to change and you are in charge of your life. Life’s too short not the get the most of it. If you feel bad about traveling so little, figure out a way to save up some money and let the world lavish you with its beauties. If you have a weight problem that’s bothering you, take baby steps with workout regimes and healthy dieting. Try meditation: it is proven to rewire your brain and more importantly – it helps you connect with yourself and with higher forces. Align yourself with the universe. Only by being in harmony with yourself can you become one with the world. This feeling of peace and serenity will definitely shift your perspective about how you feel about yourself.

The third step is putting yourself out there. Expose your heart to new experiences. Do something you’ve never tried before, even if you think you are not going to like it. These adventures can reveal new sides of you that you didn’t even know they existed. They are the fuel for your transformation process as they push you outside of your comfort zone: it can be small things like signing up for a yoga class or doing something you’re scared of – skydiving perhaps? You are a unique living being that’s not taking the advantage of what the world has prepared for you. By daring to be brave and opening your heart to all kinds of love, you will learn to love yourself and accept the love you truly deserve.

Embrace the paradox that emerges from the following fact: you need to accept yourself, but you also need to be aware that only change is constant. Self-love is the cornerstone that makes you unapologetic about how you want other people to treat you.  

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