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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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12 Feb 2018
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The Grace of Gratitude


Photo by Tim Bogdanov

Gratitude. The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Having gratitude is the foundation of good life choices. It calms our expectations and allows us to see the good in most situations. Ambitiously striving to build a better future is an evolutionary trait we all possess. However, gratitude for what we have, savoring the gifts that come our way, frees us from the bondage of always wanting more, or wanting something we perceive as “better” than what we have right now. Celebrating what we have now, rather than waiting for the next level of accomplishment, enables us to be more gracious throughout the turbulent and uncertain moments of life. There are no secrets to a happy life, but it begins with being grateful for the harvest of the present moment. The conditions we are afforded here in North America could always be worse, as it is for many around the world who are not as privileged as we are. The little things we take for granted here are often considered a treasure to others who would love to trade places with us.

No one can escape the grounding reality of the present moment. The truth of the present moment is all there is, and it’s our choice to receive its lessons, fruits, or burdens gracefully, with gratitude, or begrudgingly accept with resentment. Gratitude paves the way for receiving the lessons and gifts of life that will take us further into our unique path, bringing out the greatest version of ourselves. Often, we are our worst enemies, focusing on all that isn’t going well in our lives, building obstacles to our personal development.


Photo by Jake Blucker

We can only step forward into the future as far as our heart will allow. When the heart is closed off from the source of our creative abilities, we weaken our capacity to create and chose the life we want. The present moment is where any possibility can occur. Our mind, which works with the heart, can be a distraction to the gift of the present moment. Gratitude is the springboard that launches one into a higher state of consciousness, where lower states of mind cannot disturb what is manifesting and evolving in the present moment. Gratitude, underrated, and taken for granted, the lack of it, no matter how difficult the situation, can lead to an even more detrimental circumstance. To be grateful is to be at peace with the universal laws that brought one’s set of circumstances into being. Without an appreciation and understanding of the learned causal factors, one cannot move forward and navigate swiftly. When we miss the mark on our expectations, we forget that the final outcome could have been worse. We forget about all that we’ve taken for granted, and that which is vital to our current level of comfort in the here and now.

All is energy and vibration, from thoughts to physical forms. The future unfolds from the reality that is before it. When our reality is clouded by desire and/or lack of appreciation, it sets the tone for the following vibration that will manifest from that moment. It’s easier said than done, but developing gratitude begins with letting go of judging a situation as good or bad and instead staying neutral, and having a conscious awareness of the benefits received from our everyday comforts that are taken for granted. It also helps to understand the situation of those who have it worse than you. Having gratitude for not being in the same circumstance will most certainly shed light on that which you under-appreciate.

Gratitude is derived from the Latin word “Gratus”, meaning, beloved, dear, pleasing. That which we love and pleases us, such as friends, family, and material objects of desire, inspire gratitude when we acquire or connect with them. Yet, after becoming used to them, we take them for granted and our appreciation for them dissolves into a lack of presence, brought on by the many distractions of society, as well as the fears, worries, anxieties, and desires of the ego. Even the most fundamental things that keep us alive, like the air, water, food, and shelter, are often taken for granted, yet all of these things are truly very dear to us. Underappreciated, they fall below the threshold of what is beloved and pleasing, yet they are so fundamental to our needs. When gratitude is the center of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, we step into spaces that function only on that vibration. When having arrived in that space, all other vibratory states of mind, below the bar that has been raised by the cultivation of one’s gratitude, will only hold one back and drag one down to the lower realms of being.

“Where the mind goes, energy flows.” Where we spend our time and attention is key to our personal development. Practicing daily gratitude is an essential component of the blossoming of our consciousness. As the flower is grateful to the sun, earth, and water, with no desire other than to grow and evolve. Our consciousness when functioning in the same manner, rooted in gratitude, keeps itself grounded and open to receive light. The seed grows out of darkness, only because it appreciates the dirt that covers it. Whenever we are frustrated with a circumstance, it is best to dissolve those frustrations into a space of gratitude. Focusing on and appreciating what is abundant, rather than what is lacking, is a vital step towards co-creating with the great mystery, the source of the All, the unchallengeable Will of the universe.
ascension staff writerAscension Lifestyle Contributor

14 Jan 2018
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Becoming an Extension of the Earth’s Self-Awareness

Merely by becoming aware of your inner body sensations and experiences and the body’s dreaming intelligence you become an extension of the earth’s self awareness bringing itself back into balance. You become a flow through for our intertraconnection and the embodied intelligence of the earth. Separated from our essential earthbody essence we attempt to reclaim primal unity through frenetic striving towards an imagined goal that hovers somewhere above the earth. But this goal can never be reached. In our inner life our frenetic striving manifests as stress and struggle and on the macroscopic level it manifests as economic growth and environmental destruction. In both cases the result is harm done to our bodies and to the earth.

We don’t need to struggle or damage ourselves to be whole. We are already whole, even though we are also paradoxically incomplete. Everything we need is already present or near at hand. We can experience our deepest essence now in the form of mountain like responsive ferocious, unwavering body-based presence and caring, powerful sensual and nurturing love. We can experience it in our coming together to care for each other or for the local bioregion, in our ceremonies, in our working through conflicts, in our supporting each other in times of difficulty, in our mutual empowerment and in our sharing of our myths and stories. May all beings learn to touch their deepest essence with a strong, warm and tender hand. May all beings be reborn as their great ecological connected Selves. May all beings occupy their deepest and most courageous soul. May we sing songs of victory over tyranny and injustice. May we become the guiding light back to the abundant and magical wild garden.


Artwork by Yolanda Eveleens

About the Author: Jason Hine



Jason is an Earth based facilitator, ceremonialist, deep ecologist, gardener, wilderness guide, and rebel life coach.

You can find Jason on Facebook


04 Jan 2018
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How to Become Lighthearted (It’s Not What You Think)

In The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Czech author Milan Kundera posits that you only live once (social acronym YOLO), and this “lightness” signifies freedom — though it’s hard to hold.

But it wasn’t until I read Thomas Cowan, MD’s breakthrough book, Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, that I realized a conundrum: levity (lightness) means humor, and its counterpoint, gravity, equates to seriousness, tethering us to Earth. If gravity keeps us earthbound, it follows that humor would act as spiritual helium, helping us levitate: soar above our sorrow, at least figuratively.

tree clouds pink sky

Yet most people caught in a mirthful moment collapse with laughter, rather than rising into the atmosphere. And when the amusement subsides, the problems remain. What gives?

Cowan suggests far greater import to levity and gravity — one that impacts our very life force. And it’s a scathing indictment of how we live now.

Where Levity Is Lost

Referencing the work of naturalist Viktor Schauberger, Cowan writes,

“When one lives almost entirely in nature that is unspoiled by human contact, one often develops strong powers of observation. What Schauberger saw is the force of levity that lives in water. This force of levity flows upwards in vortices in the river. It is in these force ‘lines’ that healthy trout live effortless lives.

“Of course, these factors only exist when certain conditions are met. That is, the forest must be intact, there must be continuous tree covering shading the stream, there must be no dams anywhere on the stream, and the stream must be allowed to flow in its own path, not a path constructed by water ‘experts’. When all these conditions are met, once can observe the forces of levity balancing the forces of gravity, and, if in the river itself, one can experience the blissful life of the trout.

“When the forests are cut down and the streams straightened and dredged, the forces of levity are lost, and the trout has to swim for its life to maintain its position in the stream. Too exhausted to swim by muscle power upstream, it ends up with a life of continuous and useless toil. This is not unlike the plight of industrial man, swimming upstream for his entire life, getting depleted, weaker, sicker by the day.

water stream forrest

“The important point here is that this force of levity, which allows for the effortless flow of water, is dependent on certain conditions such as temperature and flow dynamics (spiral- or vortex-based flow patterns). When these conditions are met, life is easy and health is the natural outcome. This state is the natural state of structured water. It is also the natural state of the structured water that is the basis for the flow of blood in our circulatory system.”

Out of Circulation

Cowan’s explanation unfolds layers of insight about the true cause of illness, on both a personal and planetary level. He describes my mother’s life and health to a T:

“This model allows us to see the real cause of varicose veins, congestive heart failure and poor circulation. These ailments occur when the structured layer fails to form properly. It is as if someone cut down our forest, kept us from the sun and Earth, and gave us poor quality nutrients and water.”

His analysis blew my circuits. No wonder mainstream medicine is inadequate in resolving chronic, systemic health issues: it doesn’t address the root cause.

As above, so below: roots and wings, water and sky. Life’s yin/yang is essential for our health and Gaia’s health. If our life is not flowing with natural rhythms, health deteriorates. Sequestered from the life force, we remove ourselves from circulation, like a worn-out book, and slowly decay.

A Heart of Gold

ORME is undetectable, nonreactive with other elements, non-conductive (i.e., doesn’t get hot) and lighter than its conventional counterparts.

Cowan makes the case that human beings are quantum coherent superconducting phenomena — more than the sum of our parts — and that the ORME, or cosmic form of gold, is the primary superconducting matrix [from the root word mater, or mother] without which nerve transmission and life itself would not be possible.

The Mother of All Levity

To paraphrase Abraham-Hicks, we can always choose to enter the vortex. In Dancing With Water, MJ Pangman and Melanie Evans write, “Vortices bring in raw energy for use in the creative process. They also cause individual elements to spin at velocities faster than the speed of light. These elements take on new traits referred to by some as super energy.” And ORME “borders on the etheric.” It’s a matter [= matrix = mother] of frequency.

milky way

Cowan says, “The heart of gold refers to its unique ability to carry out this transformation of an earthly element into cosmic gold, thereby providing the basis for life to exist.”

It’s what alchemists and sages down through the ages have been attempting to distill all along.

Celestial Call

At the close of 2017, Saturn moved into Capricorn, its home sign, where it will remain for the next three years. The arbiter of form invites us to take responsibility for the structure of our lives; to become their author, owning our authority.

If we wish to add more levity, joy — and possibly time — to our lives, we can infuse structured water into our body, and nature into our soul. When enough of us have done so, lightness will not only be bearable; we’ll wonder how we lived heavy-hearted for so long.



  1. Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, Thomas Cowan, MD
  2. A New Sacred Geometry: The Art and Science of Frank Chester
  3. Dancing With Water MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans
  4. The Chestahedron: The Wonder of Seven presentation by geometrician, artist, sculptor and teacher Frank Chester

© Copyright January 2, 2018 by Amara Rose. All rights reserved.


About the Author:

Amara Rose is a metaphysical “midwife” for our global rebirth. She offers spiritual mentoring, e-courses, a CD/mp3 of the journey, and an inspirational monthly newsletter.

Learn more at Connect with Amara on Twitter and Facebook.



17 Dec 2017
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The Importance of Earth Grounding to Health and How To Do It In Winter


Inflammation has long been a well-known symptom of many infectious diseases, but molecular and epidemiological research increasingly suggests that it is also intimately linked with a broad range of non-infectious diseases, perhaps even all of them. Although these insights might not lead to a unified theory of disease, the crucial role of inflammatory processes makes possible the development of a new generation of drugs to treat conditions including cancers, autoimmune disorders and infectious diseases.

An increasing body of evidence shows that chronic inflammation causes and advances many common diseases. This opens new possibilities for treatment and therapy by blocking the inflammatory processes.

Multi-disciplinary research has revealed that electrically conductive contact of the human body with the surface of the Earth (grounding or earthing) produces intriguing effects on physiology and health. Such effects relate to inflammation, immune responses, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.  Specifically, grounding an organism produces measurable differences in the concentrations of white blood cells, cytokines, and other molecules involved in the inflammatory response.


The best ways to strengthen your bond to the Earth is to spend time outside—walking barefoot on sand or grass, swimming in the ocean or a lake, taking moon baths, and hugging trees. Our ancestors had no trouble connecting with Mother Nature, and getting grounded. They were outside every day, all day, rain or shine. We are lucky to have a roof over our heads but the downside is a loss of that daily interaction with the earth, and a corresponding lack of grounding. Connecting physically to the Earth releases negative energy from your field into the ground, and draws positive energy from Mother Nature into your field and chakras, which replenishes and recharges your whole being.

So we know grounding is scientifically proven to drastically increase health, but how do we ground ourselves when we aren’t around nature, stuck inside, are in cold climates or during winter? What happens to our bodies when we get disconnected from Mother Earth for too long?


Got Brain Fog?

Your first chakra, also known as your root or base chakra, is the foundation for the energy flow in your body. This chakra keeps you firmly in your body and grounded, and if it needs cleansing or charging, you may feel a little “spacey” or somewhat out of your body. Additional symptoms of a dysfunctional first chakra can include: lightheadedness or a “floaty” feeling, forgetfulness, clumsiness, a feeling of being lost or actually getting lost, having trouble staying focused or present, fatigue, and a general dazed sensation. With an imbalanced first chakra, your other chakras are likely to be affected and become dysfunctional as well. Grounding will balance this chakra, which is the foundation for our energy meridian system.

As the weather shifts from the heat of summer to the crispness of fall and then the deep chill of winter, you are less likely to be spending time barefoot outside your heated indoor space. So how can you stay grounded during these months?



Sungaze. Even inside. 

If you’re lucky enough to live in a part of the world where winter still gets some sunlight, take advantage of that! Not only does the sun provide natural vitamin D, which boosts your immune system, it also charges and replenishes your energy field. Sunlight is like natural rays of energy healing from the heavens, so soak it up as much as possible. Like a cat curling up for a nap in the window, have a seat in a patch of sunlight coming through a window and let it radiate into your skin, into your chakras and energy field. Twenty minutes in the early morning or late afternoon would be perfect!



Hold the earth in your hands.

Stones are direct conduits to earth energy. They are literally earth, so they can help ground you just by touching them. Kyanite, hematite, smokey quartz, black tourmaline and garnet are good choices for grounding crystals, but any piece of rock will do. You can bless it for the purpose of keeping you centered and connected to Mother Nature, and then keep it in your pocket for quick access anytime you start to feel disassociated from the earth or your body.




Getting out of your head and being present in your body is an important part of grounding. Physical activity can help to shift your energy from your thoughts to your body as you focus your attention on your body and the world around you. Yoga, pilates or martial arts can be particularly effective because they center your mind, body, and spirit simultaneously.




Like exercise, mindfully eating brings your attention to your body. Gaining sustenance from the earth also helps to connect you to it—to remind you of that fundamental truth of energy medicine: you are connected to everything. Try to eat as many fresh vegetables as you can, and especially root vegetables which grow under the soil and carry strong earth energy.



Salt Bathes.

Salts have natural healing capabilities, as does water, so when you combine them in a warm tub, you take cleansing to a spiritual level. This helps to heal and cleanse your body, mind, and soul, including stripping unwanted negative energy you may have stuck to you from someone else. Salt baths simulate swimming in the ocean, which is one of the best ways to ground yourself. Adding in herbs and essential oils is another way to bring the magic of mother nature indoors. Even a foot bath alone will ground you.



There is an easy visualizations you can do from home that will help to connect you to the earth. Picture yourself as a tree, with roots growing from your feet. Feel your roots sinking into the soil, extracting nourishment and energy that you can bring into your body making you healthier. Imagine your roots sinking deeper and deeper, giving you a stronger foundation, a sense of calm, and a greater bond with nature.


Remember to embrace the darkness. 

Darkness is an important place for deep work. Winter is a powerful time, symbolizing both life and death, the cycle of death and rebirth, of disintegration and renewal that controls all life on earth.. including me and including you. It is the time that although motion ceases… at the same moment, life begins to stir again. Animals go into hibernation and seeds sleep deep beneath the snow. They will not move until the spring, but deep within them a process has completed itself. There is an infinite contraction of energy that the long nights and cold days reflect. This energy reaches its limit, and the cycle reverses itself. From that moment on, even though the winter will continue to gather strength and unfold as it must… the spring has been born. And in just a short few months, the light will be increasing again, and next thing you know, you’ll be back outside in the sunlight and back barefoot in the grass!


Ascension Lifestyle Staff Writer: Genevieve Elena



1Nature’s Own Research Association, Dover, NH, USA
2Developmental and Cell Biology Department, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA
3Human Physiology Department, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA

Deborah King4
4Seven Ways to Get Grounded Inside.

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