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16 Aug 2018
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Your Pineal Gland, Its Calcification & Why You Should Care


What Is The Pineal Gland?

The pineal gland is one of the most mysterious glands of the human body. It is a pea-sized gland in the precise geometric center of the brain and comes from the root word “pinea” which is Latin for “pinecone”.  It is responsible for the synthesis and secretion of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin maintains the body’s circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle), regulates the onset of puberty in females, helps protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals and much, much more.

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14 Aug 2018
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Own Your Own Life: Mental Health and Self-Employment


In today’s fast-paced world, it’s often difficult to maintain the most important aspects of your life, specifically, your mental health. Having to beat the clock and fight the emotional battles of workplace competition can take a toll on your emotional state and upset your balance. But it doesn’t have to be that way, and you have the power to make a change starting today.

Stop the Clock

Day in and day out it’s the same routine. Show up to the office, grab a cup of coffee, listen to your co-workers complain about the boss, and choke down a bite of lunch while rushing to get back to the grind within a paltry 60 minutes. Even if your days don’t look like that, you’ve likely found that your workplace affects you both physically and emotionally, and you’re not alone. Slate recently shed light on the alarming reality of how irregular working hours, nonexistent work/life balance, and economic insecurity leads to approximately 120,000 deaths each year and costs Americans nearly $200 billion annually in added healthcare expenditures.

If you ever wish you could just quit your job and rely on your own skills, knowledge, and expertise to make a living, you’re in luck. The self-employment, or “gig,” economy has made it easier than ever to pull the hands right off the clock and live and work on your own terms.

A New Kind of Balance

Exiting the nine-to-five world is very freeing. It allows you to handle important aspects of your self-care, such as sleep, exercise, and nurturing strong relationships without sacrificing an income. However, it requires dedication and a willingness to hunt for your own opportunities. Marketing yourself may be intimidating, and competition is fierce when it comes to online contract employment opportunities.

One of the biggest hurdles many fledgling entrepreneurs face is learning how to manage finances for both a business and a home. This is where self-discipline comes into play and you must have your proverbial ducks in a row when it comes to keeping up with your income, collecting payments, and managing expenditures. If you plan on acquiring financing for your business, which include flexible SBA loans and business lines of credit, do your research and don’t just apply for the first loan you think you’ll qualify for.

A newfound flexibility can also open a Pandora’s Box of issues if you don’t have time management skills. You’re responsible for setting your own structure and that can be difficult with distractions such as social media. Once you learn when you are at your most productive, however, you can give yourself back many hours that would otherwise have been spent working for a paycheck that you had no control over.

Self-Care and Self-Employment

As a self-employed individual, you give yourself the gift of holding the reins of your financial future. You can avoid office politics, excessive traffic, and workplace drama, all of which can take a toll on your mental health. Perhaps the biggest benefit of leaping into the world of the gig economy is having an opportunity to focus on your own needs. Overlooked self-care practices, such as getting enough sleep and taking the time to prepare a nutritious lunch, are benefits those who work for themselves enjoy. By taking the time to focus on your needs instead of simply your finances, you will be more effective in your chosen career and more available for your family and friends.

While working for yourself presents its own unique challenges, freelance contract work is ideal if you suffer with depression, anxiety, or other mental health care concerns. Not only do you become your own boss, but you are also empowered to say no to taking on more responsibilities and to say yes to living your best life.

 About the Author Julie Morris:

Ms. Morris is a life and career coach who strives to help others live the best lives that they can. She believes she can relate to clients who feel run over by life because of her own experiences. She spent years in an unfulfilling career in finance before deciding to help people in other ways.

Image via Pixabay

27 Jun 2018
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Renewable Y-O-U


“Renewables” sounds like a fairly recent concept. However, we’ve been using renewable energy for millennia: wind, water, fire, and animal / human labor.

Today renewable energy is about saving the environment and diminishing our dependence on fossil fuels. Coupled with conserving finite resources, we’ve also gotten smart: smartphones, smart cars, smart homes, smart health care (wearables). Yet our smart solutions are dumbing us down in one crucial respect: we’re highly connected to them, and less connected to ourselves than ever before.

We are the ultimate renewable resource — when we become conscious of this truth. It’s a quantum shift in perception that changes everything.

What “Renewable” Really Means

Becoming a renewable resource doesn’t mean ditching your phone for the plow, but becoming more mindful in every moment. Think of it this way: work is applied energy. Sustaining your own energy means working with yourself as a renewable resource.

In their new book, The Healing Self, integrative medicine and personal growth pioneer Deepak Chopra, MD, and Harvard University brain health professor Rudolph E. Tanzi, PhD, discuss how well being is an inside job that starts with awareness.

They write: “Seeking self-renewal is a conscious decision, and it’s never once and for all. Renewal at the level of the cell is a constant and virtually automatic process, and so is self-renewal. The noted spiritual teacher Jiddhu Krishnamurti once made a provocative remark about meditation. People set aside a certain period of the day to meditate, he said, but they don’t realize that real meditation is twenty-four hours a day. The same is true for healing.”

In Western culture, we typically don’t slow down long enough to give our inner life a second thought — until life itself demands it. This often manifests as illness, because that’s what it takes to get us to press “pause”. 

How to Become A Renewable Resource

deniz-altindas-38128-unsplashYou don’t have to become a monk or jet off to India to sit at the feet of a sage when a health crisis hits, although these are viable personal growth paths. You do have to begin paying attention to what’s happening, ideally before the volume amplifies. This is how healing begins.

I speak from experience. In my early thirties, with a thriving remote business, piano lessons, and a 90 mph lifestyle, I ignored the symptoms proliferating in my body. Finally I hit the proverbial wall and, like a cartoon character, slid two dimensionally to the ground. The message was clear: “Time out! Get in touch with yourself at a deeper level if you want to get well.”

And I did. For the next three years, healing/wholing was my primary focus. As I began to heal physically, I simultaneously opened up spiritually. Whole/holy/heal all come from the same root word, “hale”. What I was undergoing transfigured me on a cellular level.

It was an initiation, as true healing always is.

Suffering Is Optional

Chopra and Tanzi write about the paradox of pain: how someone can be in intense physical pain yet not be “suffering”. In remembering who I am on a soul level, I began to experience a joy beyond anything I’d ever known. It was the most profound ah-ha! of my life. And while my body was still in pain, my expanding consciousness superseded it.

Of course, this unfolding made absolutely no sense to family and friends who were observing my process externally, shaking their heads.

It is only ever about you, yet far beyond the small “you” with whom you previously identified. When you step into your vastness, you become a renewable resource: embodying the light of wisdom, serving as a beacon for others on the awakening path.

Espavo defines this awareness succinctly: “Thank you for taking your power.” That’s the smart, renewable solution we all need now.

© Copyright June 2018 Amara Rose

About the author:

Amara Rose is a metaphysical “midwife” for our global rebirth. A former personal health columnist for Nation’s Business magazine, she’s written for Yoga Journal, E/The Environmental Magazine, MORE,,, and numerous other publications. Subscribe to Amara’s resource-rich monthly newsletter.

11 May 2018
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A Time & Money Saving Solution To Juicing

Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 5.47.13 PMDaily juicing is a great routine to get into. We’ve all been there before, we get excited about starting a new juicing regiment only to be discouraged by the lack of time truly needed to commit to it. There are several things that need to be given consideration before beginning juicing. Understandably, health and wellness don’t come easy, you’ve got to put in the time and commitment to get results. We all have enough on our plate already. Life is just too busy, we are already juggling too much, biting off more than we can chew.

If you want to start a juice regiment, this is what you can really expect. You’re going to have to buy a ton of vegetables that will fill your fridge up, and you’ll have to go grocery shopping more frequently because the amount of juice that can be squeezed out of a vegetable is not that much. This is why you’ll need to set aside a decent budget and time for resupplying on (preferably organic) vegetables. When you take them home, the best thing for you to do is to pre-peel/chop them, which takes up more time. The biggest inconvenience is having to clean the juicer after every use, a significant, yet unavoidable responsibility of juicing. Taking it apart, cleaning it thoroughly, then putting it back together is a process that takes time out of your busy day. For those of us who plan on juicing more frequently, such as 2-3 times per day, this can occupy a lot of time.

When coming home from a long day of hard work, feeling drained, yet to scratch out other obligations off your daily checklist list, juicing and all of its tedious processes might not be a priority at that moment. This is when your daily juice regiment goals begin to slip away. Skipping one day becomes skipping a day next week. Then skipping a day or two every week becomes skipping every other day, before you know it you’re juicing once a week until you give up on yourself and forget about it. You’re defeated, life wins, and will power loses. There has to be a better way, a more efficient way that will allow you to stay consistent, which is vital to any type of health and wellness regiment. Fortunately, there is a solution to the inefficiency of juicing.

IMG_3604What’s more convenient than juicing? A juicing supplement. There are many juice powders on the market but I prefer Organifi. You can get all of your vital healthy foods in one supplement without the time-consuming hassle of grocery shopping, juicing, and clean up. Organifi is a juicing supplement designed to meet your nutrition and energy needs, while providing an efficient way to save time compared to traditional juicing. Having personally tried Organifi, I can honestly recommend this product in full confidence.

Organifi is great for people who travel often. If you want to keep up with your juicing regiment while traveling, Organifi is the supplement that will help you stay consistent. When your traveling you don’t have time to juice, nor can you afford to pack your juicer in your suitcase, which makes Organifi a great supplement for grabbing a green juice on the go.

You’ll definitely appreciate the amount of value Organifi can offer you. Drinking Organifi can provide you with mental clarity, daily energy boosts, and better focus, by nourishing the body with its many nutrients and electrolytes. A busy daily schedule can make for a stressful lifestyle, which is why Organifi can help prevent and combat the effects of daily stress by reducing it and balancing the hormones. In addition, Organifi will keep your skin glowing with improved rejuvenation for hair and nails as well. You can boost your immune system with the vitamins and minerals contained within the foods used in the Organifi blend. It is also useful for detoxifying your body as its ingredients are known for flushing out toxins.

The ingredients included in Organifi are:


Moringa is an amino acid, a protein building block. Amino acids and proteins are an important part of your diet, needed to grow, repair, and maintain cells.


Mint is good for digestion, reducing cramps, and helps regulate sleep.


Chlorella is a green algae that benefits your body because it is high in protein and polyunsaturated fats.


The Aztecs used this daily for strength and energy. This is a source of iron, calcium and plant protein, and an overall great source of energy.

Beets are rich in folate and manganese which help in DNA and cell rejuvenation. The isolated mix tastes great in the supplement and doesn’t have the taste of raw beets that most people dislike.

Wheat Grass

Wheatgrass is good for your blood cells due to the high presence of chlorophyll.


This is an adaptogen (amino acids, vitamins, and herbs), a natural herb substance which helps the body adapt to stress.


An antioxidant that is beneficial to your health and skin.

Matcha Green Tea

A high source of an anti-oxidant called EGCG, great for weightloss and stress reduction by regulating hormones.


A citrus fruit rich in citric acid with appetite fighting effects to help you lose weight. It also stabilizes blood sugar levels.

Coconut water

Rich in potassium and helps maintain the strength of bones in the body.

drew-canoleThe above ingredients were all carefully chosen by the founder of Organifi, Drew Canole. Drew Canole is a Nutrition Specialist, Transformation Specialist and national spokesperson for the benefits of juicing vegetables for health and vitality. He is the founder of Fitlife TV where he shares “Educational, Inspirational and Entertaining” videos and articles about health, fitness, healing and longevity.

Drew Canole’s transformation clients include celebrities, entrepreneurs, CEO’s, authors and personal development gurus. The success of his first book on Juicing Recipes vaulted him to national attention as a first-time author and has gained media and television attention in the form of book deals, TV talk show hosting and national endorsements from some of the leading national companies focused on health, wellness and athletics.

Disclaimer: Ascension has no personal relationship with Drew Canole, as affiliate marketers of Organifi we share a portion of sales purchased through our site.

You’ll personally benefit from Organifi, saving yourself valuable time to prepare juicing meals. You’ll also save on the amount of money you spend on groceries for juicing. Even if juicing is still something you want to do, you can add more nutrients to your daily regiment by mixing Organifi into your juices. Increased energy, immune function, skin, hair, and nail growth are just a few of the many health benefits you’ll experience with Organifi.

In Summary The Benefits of Organifi Include:

  • Improved growth, repair, and maintenance of cells
  • Reduced cramps and better sleep regulation
  • More strength and energy by boosting metabolism
  • DNA and cell rejuvenation
  • Improved blood flow and healthier blood cells
  • Reduced stress
  • Better skin, hair, and nail growth
  • Increased bone and muscle strength
  • Weight loss

Organifi Green Juice has been tested in clinical trials, tested on volunteers over 3 months. What did the scientists find?

Organifi supports:

  1. Weight loss (specifically fat loss)
  2. Increased strength (in physically active volunteers)
  3. Lowered bad cholesterol (LDL)
  4. Raised good cholesterol (HDL)
  5. Better quality of life (as notated by volunteers)

One of the best benefits is that the effects multiply. Men and women who drank 2 servings per day experienced 4 times the results.

Green-Juice-Front_1264x498.progressive_3077a238-90fe-43cd-9c66-351fec28d32d_1281x612.progressiveDrew Carole is currently selling a 30 day supply of Organifi for $79.99, but you can buy it for $57.95. Just enter your email address below to not only receive your free juicing recipe book but to also start your order.

Organifi offers a 30 day no risk money back guarantee. Even if you simply don’t like the flavor, if you ask for your money back within 30 days of ordering, you’ll be refunded, no questions asked. As mentioned above, the stellar track record and reputation of Drew Carole’s Organifi are key reasons to order in confidence. Integrity and your satisfaction is of the utmost importance to him and Ascension.



Without a juicing supplement like Organifi, you may continue to struggle to manage your time and juice budget. For those of you who travel frequently, you may also fail to maintain your juice regiment while traveling. In my opinion, there isn’t a better product on the market to save you time, money, and the headache of not being consistent. Step into better health by taking advantage of this opportunity to radically change the way you juice, you’ll be happy that you did.

Click on the image below to order a 30 day supply of Organifi.

organifi banner

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