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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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20 Apr 2020
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The Great Unmasking

Searchin’ the horizon

For what we can’t quite see

When all we’ve ever needed

Has been there all along

Inside of you and me…

~ lyrics from A Little Soon to Say, by Jackson Browne




Here we sit, on the cusp of the Age of Aquarius: a true renaissance in spirit/mind/body for everyone on Earth.

Or is it the Age of the Virus, a plague that promises to be the end of the world as we know it? Theories abound:

  • Is the virus our body’s response to 5G technology?
  • Is it a bio-engineered plot to control the planet?
  • Has the magnitude of this event been “trumped up” for political gain?

Over the last few months, these and other questions about the origins of COVID-19 have been batted about ad nauseam. And while questioning authority is always a good idea, in this extraordinary time we need to question reality. So consider this:

Is the virus an out-picturing of endogenous fear — which is, itself, a virus?

Changing the World from Within

In the Gene Keys teachings, a powerful awakening tool that describes the shadow, gift and siddhi (enlightened mind) of 64 human consciousness codes, Richard Rudd writes, of Siddhi 49, Rebirth: “The first insight is that the world in its current form cannot be fixed, no matter how profound or far-reaching the revolution may be. The very bedrock of our modern society is founded upon a species that has always made decisions rooted in fear. The only way for a new future to be created is to begin from scratch — a rebirth.

“The rebirth is the organic flowering of the revolution. Just because we cannot fix the world as it is, does not mean we cannot make the world a better place. Our vision of the perfect future is precisely what creates the necessary frequency shift that will trigger the genetic forking of our species. It will happen because it must happen, but we must still create that happening. This is the paradox.”

If this coronavirus is the embodiment of our collective fear, is it causing the most severe symptoms in those whose DNA holds the greatest degree of ancestral terror? And if so, is this helping us accelerate towards what Rudd refers to as our “genetic escape velocity”?

Yet the genesis of the virus is still not our most powerful inquiry. The deeper conversation calling us is: what can we learn from what is transpiring?

This evolutionary moment heralds manifold gifts for humanity:

  • We’re healing ancient trauma. Mayan elder and cosmological historian Barbara Hand Clow has discussed paleoscientific research, which indicates “early humans showed no signs of being aware of the existence of the four seasons until 10,000 years ago.” The cataclysm that created Earth’s variable rotation, which gives rise to climatic changes, plunged us from unity consciousness into duality and survival mode, which is still encoded in our limbic brains. Our planet underwent a trauma and ever since, she “trembles,” bringing us the phenomenon of seasonal shifts. So our fear of the “end times” is actually a multi-traumatic memory, not a premonition. The virus is a memory trigger.
  • We’re giving the Earth a breather. In just 30 days, Himalayan peaks emerged from 30 years of pollution. In Venice, minus tourism, the canals run clear, prompting dolphins to frolic in the crystal waters. Perhaps most astonishing of all, the infamous Los Angeles smog is gone — a potent glimpse of what’s possible.
  • By staying home, we’re allowing wildlife to re-emerge in droves. Chimpanzee champion Jane Goodall says, “The world is only going to come right when every day is an Earth Day, because we’re part of the natural world; we depend on it.”
  • We’re connecting with “strangers”, having heartfelt conversations six feet apart, without artifice or agenda. While wearing facemasks, we’re becoming much more vulnerable, melting the masks of separation as never before.
  • We’re discovering what kindness means at a primal level. The ultimate key to coming home to ourselves as one people and one destiny may lie in what peaceable cultures have always known: from the pain that cracks our hearts wide open, compassion and kindness flower. Naomi Shihab-Nye’s poem, Kindness, eloquently expresses this “proper dose of poignancy”.

Clearly, this global time-out is a directive to be introspective. We’re being asked not just to isolate, but to innovate and co-create. As one ally put it, “It’s go time, Starseeds.” And we are.

Searching the Horizon

Viewing what’s taking place as a gift opens the quantum door to 5D, not 5G. It depends on how far we can allow our minds to s-t-r-e-t-c-h beyond the known. Everything is experimental, now. A Native American elder urges, “Let go of the known unreal, and throw yourself into the real unknown.”

As Thea Alexander writes in her wildly prescient 1976 novel, 2150 A.D.: “The measure of a mind’s evolution is its acceptance of the unacceptable.” Her Macro Society future is richly imagined, and I encourage you to read and share the book if you can get your hands on a copy.

A high frequency comedic French film, The Green Beautiful (La Belle Verte), explores similar themes: loving and respecting Nature, and loving ourselves as connected, whole beings at one with the natural world. The full movie is routinely removed from YouTube (hmmm…).

Love, not fear, is what needs to spread. Love is the key to our evolution. During my pneumonia gateway 27 years ago, I asked myself, if I died, what would I regret? The answer came quietly: “You haven’t loved.” This surprised me. Then I heard, “You haven’t served.” And I began to understand that loving, and serving, are one.

Now, we are all being asked to open our hearts to a greater degree than ever before. At the start of April, Venus, planet of Love, transited Alcyone, the central sun of the Pleiades, “activating a stream of powerful Divine Feminine energy that will be received on Earth to assist humanity to rise above the darkness and fear that is currently engulfing the planet.”

Growing to 20/20 and Beyond

We’re on a global vision quest in this year of perfect (in)sight.

Barbara Hand Clow writes, “Cosmic light reaches Earth in 2020. Miraculously, at the exact moment of the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2020, Jupiter conjoins Saturn in zero degrees Aquarius trine the Pleiades, the dawning of the Aquarian Age.”

Viewed from this Macro perspective, it is a true privilege to be alive at this nexus, ushering in the Shift of the Ages. We’re the sunrise of the kind of society 2150 A.D. and The Green Beautiful envision: peaceable, loving, healthy, and joyously co-existing with All That Is.

It’ll be a long road; we didn’t arrive where we are in an instant, and the changes won’t occur overnight. We can begin by adopting an eidetic suggestion from Kirstin Miller, executive director of Ecocity Builders: “Start thinking like a flower, not like a tailpipe.”

We are all cells in Mama Gaia, called to become perfusionists for the lifeblood of our planetary body. Out of the chrysalis, unmasking fear and denial to invite Love, respect and co-creation into our lives in a wholly new way.

All we’ve ever needed has been here all along, inside of you and me. Thank you for choosing to be embodied at this auspicious liminal threshold. Welcome Home.


About the Author:


Ascension Lifestyle Managing Editor Amara Rose is a “midwife” for our global rebirth. She offers life crafting, e-courses, business alchemy and content creation to accelerate your evolutionary journey. Learn more at, where you can subscribe to her resource-rich enewsletter, What Shines.

30 Mar 2020
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COVID-19 Or CORVID-20? Giving Us Something to Crow About


Since the term COVID-19 became synonymous with our lives, I’ve been hearing “COVID” as “CORVID”. It’s one added letter, and the sound of change: “R”. Say it aloud: arrrggh. That’s the caw of Crow Wisdom.

Crows became my companions the summer I had pneumonia, a major spiritual gateway for me. During this period I faced the idea of death, and understood that I hadn’t yet served; that is, given my gift to the world. Pneumonia is about accepting life, breathing it in; the root, pneuma-, from the Greek, literally means, “that which is breathed or blown.” Philosophically, pneuma refers to the vital spirit, soul, or creative force of a person.

Like pneumonia, COVID-19 lodges in the lungs, which in traditional Chinese medicine correspond to the emotion of grief. We’re being called to grieve our disconnection/duality, both from one another and from our 3D reality, in order to fully release into the profound possibilities of connection and higher dimensional living.

Shallow breathing thus correlates to a fear of taking in life fully. Most of us live this way, motivated by self-protection and pain avoidance. It’s only when the pain of remaining where we are overwhelms our fear of the unknown that we’re catalyzed to change.

We need to stop looking outside ourselves for guidance and learn to trust our inner knowing. The lungs in Chinese medicine also signify boundaries and renewal. We’re in the midst of learning about both, in the form of a worldwide spiritual initiation.

Aliens Among Us

What if an alien life form descended to Earth; how would we respond?

Guess what? COVID-19 is this alien: a microscopic messenger on a mission to awaken the masses. Fear only magnifies it, because fear is a low vibration emotional state that floods our bodies with stress hormones, weakening us, lowering our immunity and leaving us open to illness of all types. In this sense, the fear of coronavirus has itself gone viral.

While we don’t need to love the virus, we do need to expand our love for one another, beyond age, race, cultural origin, religion, gender identity, and other artificial boundaries, and come together to unify and co-create ingenious new solutions to a global challenge.

This is the year of clear vision: 2020. How can we open our spiritual eyes to greater possibility? Corvid can assist. Birds are augurs, and never has there been a more important time to become a birdbrain.

Keeper of the Sacred Law

In Medicine Cards, Jamie Sams and David Carson write, “If you look deeply into Crow’s eye, you will have found the gateway to the supernatural. Crow knows the unknowable mysteries of creation and is the keeper of all sacred law.

“Human law is not the same as Sacred Law. Crow sees that the physical world and even the spiritual world, as humanity interprets them, are an illusion. There are billions of worlds. There is infinitude of creatures. Great Spirit is with all.

“Crow is an omen of change. Crow lives in the void and has no sense of time. The Ancient Chiefs tell us that Crow sees simultaneously the three fates — past, present, and future. Crow merges light and darkness, seeing both inner and outer reality.

“Crow medicine signifies a firsthand knowledge of a higher order of right and wrong than that indicated by the laws created in human culture. With Crow medicine, you speak in a powerful voice when addressing issues that for you seem out of harmony, out of balance, out of whack, or unjust.

“Remember that Crow looks at the world with first one eye, and then the other cross-eyed. In the Mayan culture, cross-eyed had the privilege and duty of looking into the future. You must put aside your fear of being a voice in the wilderness and ‘caw’ the shots as you see them.

“As you learn to allow your personal integrity to be your guide, your sense of feeling alone will vanish. Your personal will can then emerge so that you will stand in your truth. The prime path of true Crow people says to be mindful of your opinions and actions. Be willing to walk your talk, speak your truth, know your life’s mission, and balance past, present, and future in the now. Shape-shift that old reality and become your future self. Allow the bending of physical laws to aid in creating the shape-shifted world of peace.”

Isn’t this precisely where we are now?

Becoming Crow-Magnon Men and Women

In the summer of 1993, cawing to my crow messengers as I slowly regained my breath, I penned a poem/chant to these allies who enraptured my attention. Over the years we’ve sung it in rounds in drum circles, and the energy rises to a very high level. Choose your own audio accompaniment, and enjoy:


Talking To Crows © 7/30/93 Amara Rose

Black-winged wisdom on a wire

Cawing collect,

Caws and effect

A coded conversation

In guttural cries

Opens my eyes

And lifts me higher.


We are all becoming visionaries in this year of perfect (in)sight. The power and magic to heal are available to each of us. Step into the Great Mystery (and Mastery) and say a resounding “yes” to all you know and don’t yet know. Allow the unknown to be a gift rather than a fear. We must each traverse the corridor between the worlds of our own unfolding. You’ll come out the other side with wisdom gained, and compassion magnified a thousand-fold, in service to the collective.

CORVID-20. That’s something to crow about. Welcome Home!


© March 2020 Amara Rose


Amara Rose is a metaphysical “midwife” for our global rebirth. She offers personal life crafting; business guidance; branding brilliance for your website, blog, or marketing campaign; signature storytelling, and a CD/mp3 to accelerate your evolutionary journey. Learn more at, where you can subscribe to her inspirational e-newsletter, What Shines.


21 Mar 2020
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Thriving in the World with COVID-19

Our world has changed almost overnight. Those of us on a spiritual path have been waiting for a game changer, but we did not see THIS coming. So many people were worried that human activities are endangering life on the planet. And then the tiniest of life forms throws a wrench in the gears of our out-of-control consumer economy that brings it to a screeching halt.

Ironic, isn’t it? What a poignant reminder of our place in the biosphere. We are a part of an intricate web of life, even when we live in big cities with all the technical contraptions that seem to separate us from nature.

Humans have co-evolved with viruses since the dawn of our species. Viruses are the fastest life forms to mutate and evolve. Our immune system had to keep up with those mutations; otherwise we would have gone extinct very quickly. Rather than looking at our relationship with viruses as a war, we can regard it as a dance of mutual evolution.

The cheetah would not be the fastest animal on land without the need to run down the gazelle. The gazelle would not be such a graceful sprinter if it did not have to escape from the cheetah. Without carnivores, the herbivores would have multiplied unchecked, until they consumed every plant on the planet and become extinct through starvation. Life on Earth requires balance.

Over the next few months, it is probable that every one of us will be exposed to the Corona virus at one point or another. Our immune system is brilliant and adaptable. Nevertheless, many are dying, while others have very mild or no symptoms at all. Who lives and who dies is not a question of luck.

It is a question of soul intent.

For many souls on the planet right now, the New Energy is too much to accommodate. The change is too big. Some have had enough of it already and prefer to watch from the comfort of the non-physical realm. Some can do their work better from there. Others are complete now with their experience on Earth and their contribution to her ascension. A number of light workers are leaving to assist departed souls in their exit from the near-earth realms. They act like traffic directors in the evacuation of a large building.  Many of us are staying to be the grounding rods for the New Energy in the physical Earth. Our dreams of the world-to-come require our physical presence. This happens to be the most demanding, but also the most exciting path.

None of those choices are better or worse than others. It is simply a question of our soul’s intent. The best we can do at this time is to get very quiet and listen to the still voice inside. What is my calling? What is my soul’s specialty?

The voice of Soul is always joyful and fearless. It does not judge right or wrong. When we are clear in our alignment with Soul, we can face our path with confidence. Our intuition will guide us every step of the way, moment by moment. We will be in the right place at the right time, and we will know what to do when we have to do it.

Fear and grief are natural responses of the human mind. Surf their waves and let them pass. I recommend getting out in nature, be it a park, a garden, or up a trail. Feel the joy of Earth at this time. As traffic is slowing, planes and tankers are sitting still, factories are shutting down, Mother Earth is taking a deep breath. Spring is here, and new life is growing everywhere in the Northern hemisphere.

“What seems like the end of the world to the caterpillar, is the beginning of life for the butterfly.” –Richard Bach

We don’t need to know how to go through this global transformation anymore than a caterpillar needs to think about becoming a butterfly. Our Inner Wisdom knows. The more we trust the process, the easier it gets. So take a deep breath – frequently! –  Relax and allow it to take place naturally. In the Big Picture, all is well!



About the Author, Ascension Lifestyle Contributor:

Shana Dieterle, PT, CST-D, is a licensed physical therapist and diplomate certified craniosacral therapist with nearly 40 years of experience in the fields of healthcare, wellness and spiritual growth.

She is available for phone consultations to assist you in finding what is right with you.

Feel free to call at reasonable hours!

(406) 396 5788

[email protected]

21 Mar 2020
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“The more we allow ourselves to unfold,

the less likely we are to unravel.”

~ from Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life by Irwin Kula



I’m a great fan of subtle shifts. Transposing a single letter, or altering where we choose to place our focus, can create quantum awareness: from scared to sacred, nowhere to now here. In this way, scrapple (a loaf-shaped meat stew) or scrabble (“to make great efforts to get somewhere or achieve something”) can morph into sqrapple: square apple.

We’ve created square watermelons in Japan, and square apples in South Korea. Why attempt to improve on Nature’s design? It’s part of our innate yearning to conquer space — shelf space. And while cubic fruit may be more dimensionally desirable, it lacks a certain poetic beauty that informs the original.

This seems to be our ongoing invitation and initiation: learning to hold the “both/and”, to express without excess, to midwife beauty and practicality in an 11th-hour world.

Determining the Healing Dose

Beyond some of our more obvious paradoxes that comprise wholeness — laughing/crying, giving/receiving, birthing/dying — there is the greater stretch into “complex ambiguity”, which is akin to the homeopathic principle of poisonous allies: what’s deadly in a large dose can heal in a minute amount; the smaller the dosage, the greater the potency.

One of my favorite terms for the many ways we navigate the road Home is the cartographical “groundtruth”. I first heard it when I interviewed Planetwalker John Francis. A form of remote sensing, groundtruth refers to gathering information on location, then translating the data into meaningful results — much as we might combine our daily acts into outcomes that serve the collective. I can hear it as enlightened slang: “Dude, what’s your groundtruth?”

I also like the lyrics from an old Frank Sinatra tune, That’s Life: “I’ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king/I’ve been up and down and over and out, and I know one thing…” We’re all All of it, and One with the All: fractals of the OneSong, Universe, harmonious chaos, Music of the Spheres.

We are each a force of Nature, a genetic/geometric/geomantic groundtruth, traveling at undreamed of speed through unimaginable vastness in a spherical vessel. It’s challenging to choose sides on a circle, especially as it describes delicious pi, which extends into infinity. Unite the circle and the square, however, and we approach transcendence.

This moment is ripe for new forms of collaboration, such as Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance,” another way of saying quantum entanglement: linked particles (or people?) that appear to communicate faster than the speed of light, no matter how far apart we may be. This is because we ARE light, shining inside one another, especially now.

Let’s be fruitful and welcome a confluence of allies into our expanded circle of influence. That’s a square deal, all the way around.


Amara Rose is a metaphysical “midwife” for our global rebirth. She offers personal life crafting; business guidance; branding brilliance for your website, blog, or marketing campaign; signature storytelling, and a CD/mp3 to accelerate your evolutionary journey. Learn more at, where you can subscribe to her inspirational e-newsletter, What Shines.

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