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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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12 Aug 2020
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Earth Is Warning Us We Must Change. Will We Listen?

Illustration by Malte Mueller/Getty Images


Our present course puts humans on track to be among the species that expire in Earth’s ongoing sixth mass extinction. In my conversations with thoughtful people, I am finding increasing acceptance of this horrific premise.

The COVID-19 pandemic, along with climate change, drives home the lesson that we must honor and care for Earth. The increasing frequency of the appearance of deadly viruses reminds us of the consequences of disrupting the natural systems by which life on Earth organizes to create and maintain the conditions essential to both its own existence and ours.

This is a time for learning and conscious collective choice like no other in the human experience. Defining lessons are coming from a variety of “teachers,” including the pandemic and climate change, protests against systemic racism, and oddly enough, Donald Trump.

Perhaps we can now recognize and accept the limits of Earth’s regenerative systems and our need to help Earth heal from the damage of our recklessness. The Earth is strong, but also vulnerable. As Earth cares for us, we either care for it or bear the consequences of our recklessness.

The pandemic may be seen as a not-so-subtle warning to humanity that we may be sacrificed, if necessary, to protect the health of the planet. On the path to human extinction, the most vulnerable will go first, but there will be no human winners.

Returning to business as usual is neither possible nor desirable.

COVID-19’s attack also exposes the culpability of the economic system that bears major responsibility for our assault against Earth and each other. We now see with ever greater clarity the disconnect between two economies. One is a financial economy devoted to generating unearned profits for monopolists and speculators. The other is an economy of Earth’s regenerative systems and humans doing work essential to the well-being of people and planet. We can get along just fine without financial speculation, and labor devoted to wasteful or destructive purposes to make money for rich people. We cannot survive without the regenerative systems of a living Earth and the beneficial labor of both human and nonhuman beings.

We also see more clearly the devastating consequences of concentrating power in the hands of the financial elite. For example, the pandemic has exposed the long and vulnerable supply chains that only serve the interests of exploiters who locate industry where wages and taxes are lowest and environmental regulations are most lax to produce consumer goods for the world’s affluent. Disruptions of those supply lines led to shortages of critical products, such as nose swabs and face masks, that we’re only now realizing can be more quickly and securely obtained through local producers—assuming we still have some that can take on the job.

Another lesson we’re learning involves the nature of money. COVID-19 prompted the U.S. Congress and Federal Reserve to create trillions of dollars in instant money for purposes both good and bad. Never has it been so clear that money is just a number that national governments can create from nothing. Consequently, lack of money should never be a society’s defining constraint so long as idle or misdirected resources are available for new money to put to work meeting real needs.

Of course, meeting essential needs is very different from creating money to keep stock prices inflated and to bail out businesses, such as the corporate travel industry that electronic communication may have rendered obsolete. Too much of the money instantly created by Congress and the Fed was aimed at propping up financial markets while the real economy floundered. Therein lies another lesson: Follow the money and know its purpose, which takes us to the lessons of the Trump disaster.

With his perpetual deceptions, his assaults on the integrity and competence of government, and his persistent denial of responsibility for their devastating consequences, Trump reminds us of how much we depend on honest and functioning government at all system levels. He is forcing state and local governments (and also other nations) to take on new responsibilities because they know they cannot wait for leadership from his feckless administration.

In sending unidentified Department of Homeland Security officers to impose his will on the people of Portland, Oregon, and other cities, Trump is reminding us of the dangers of tyranny and the importance of having political leaders who are honest, intelligent, of sound mind, and committed to a strong democracy. We are becoming ever more conscious of the fatal error of electing politicians who believe government is inherently burdensome and best minimized.

These are all lessons essential to the future we seek and to our choices in the upcoming election.

During a July 23 webinar hosted by YES! Mediathat I took part in, Nafeez Ahmed, executive director of the System Shift Lab and research fellow at the Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems, noted that the emergence of the new depends on the disintegration of the old. While many of us have been eager to welcome the new, we are not always so ready to accept the disintegration of the old. Yet the point that Nafeez drove home in our webinar is that both are part of the process of transformation.

As the institutions of the imperial civilization of our past disintegrate, it exposes the extent to which their power has rested on a foundation of war, racism, and violence devoted to enforcing mass servitude and securing the rights of property owners. Succumbing to the enticements of money worship, we celebrate the successes of a miniscule super-wealthy minority, and the fiction that we might one day join them.

Let us welcome the growing recognition that returning to business as usual is neither possible nor desirable. We must accept our current mission to birth a new civilizationdevoted to the well-being of people and Earth: A civilization in which money is just a tool, and nurturance of life is the prime purpose.

About the Author: DAVID KORTEN is co-founder of YES! Media, president of the Living Economies Forum, a member of the Club of Rome, and the author of influential books, including “When Corporations Rule the World” and “Change the Story, Change the Future: A Living Economy for a Living Earth.” His work builds on lessons from the 21 years he and his wife, Fran, lived and worked in Africa, Asia, and Latin America on a quest to end global poverty.



12 Aug 2020
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Love Letter From The Future


I was inspired today by an Australian futurist who posted a love letter from the future and I thought, oh yes, I want to do that too. I was born in 1950, so as of February 23rd 2050 I will be 100 years old and definitely plan to be around then and long after. So here goes … my love letter from the future.

February 23rd 2050

Hello world,

Today I am 100 years old and I am more in love with life on this planet than ever before. When I was born in 1950 the world was just getting over the Second World War and when I was 12 there was the Cuban Missile Crisis. I wondered a few nights running if I would wake up the next morning, but as fate would have it I did and life flowed on for us all. When I turned 70 in 2020, the world experienced a global pandemic which turned war on its heels and from that point on it has become a mystifying ancient practice that no one born after 2025 can even comprehend.

So what’s life like here in 2050? Beautiful eco cities now float in the ocean with green bursting up all through them. Many homes are now embedded into hillsides and mountains as the love of Nature has surpassed everything else. The words ‘homeless’ and ‘depression’ have been eliminated from the dictionaries as we’re all too embarassed to remember a time when the world wasn’t thriving to the max for every single being upon it.

Creativity surges everywhere you look. Natural, organic, wondrous bursts of art appear on woodland trails, on buildings, in glorious gardens that are everywhere. In fact people in their homes love to share their love of gardening and have garden fests in their neighbourhoods where they share food and flowers and all the products they can make from these things.

Immigration crisis? ‘What is that?’, the young ones ask. They cannot comprehend a world with borders and barriers to being wherever you are called to your HOME.

Everything happens on line, but we don’t carry phones like we used to. We’re now fully telepathic with the global internet consciousness and can see, search and enjoy knowledge freely from any source in the world.

The concept of schools has disappeared. Now neighbourhoods gather all ages together to create exciting learning projects and to celebrate the unleashing of genius. We can do this because our time is no longer slotted into 9 to 5 (or longer) as the business period. There are no hours. Just the joy of contributing your genius to the projects you want to be involved in. Hiring has disappeared and there are very few large corporations left now as the world has embraced the concept of collaborative genius. So all you do now is search for the project you want to contribute to and you contribute in whatever way is yours to do. Again, young people are perplexed when they hear of locking yourself in a cubicle in an office building for long hours each day and being forced to work on something that may or may not interest you. Now anything that might be called ‘work’ is done in nature pods in natural settings and you come out every hour or two for a meet up in the collaborative garden that connects the pods. These new spaces are scattered throughout the world now and the pods are built of a new natural material that you can see through and breathe through. So fresh air, sunshine and green surround every contributor to the world’s creative endeavours.

It is a JOY to be alive in 2050. The Earth is thriving like never before. Illness is a thing of the past. New energy options (beyond solar, wind and wave) have appeared that cost nothing at all and every home has them built in. And the animals, well as you know, they became super conscious in 2020 and invited all of us onto a new timeline arc where all life is interconnected and contributes to one another harmoniously and brilliantly.

So all that to say to all my buddies of pre-2020, WE DID IT! The new dream of us is alive and well and thriving just like we knew it would. Bravo to all of you for your dedication, passion and invention in a time when the old was still trying to hang on by its fingertips. Oh and one more thing as I head out on my annual trip to Mars and Jupiter on the new Dragon model space beam, we are now part of a universal federation of planets who are more in love with the universe than ever before.

Happy 100th birthday to me and happy 30th birthday to our wondrous new world.


21 Jul 2020
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The Magdalene Awakening: Reclaiming the Divine Feminine


For me, the Great Remembering began in illness. On a descent to the depths of my being, I found myself throwing my arms around trees and sobbing, feeling their loving embrace. I began talking to crows, paying tribute to their visceral wisdom in a poem that concluded, “A coded conversation/In guttural cries/Opens my eyes/And lifts me higher.” Stunned from exhaustion, I’d never lived in such clarity. With my brain on an extended vacation, I was forced to access a more primitive part of my being, to participate in the instinctual world, not merely watch.

I devoured books such as The Feminine Face of God by Sherry Ruth Anderson and Patricia Hopkins, and The Moon Under Her Feet by Clysta Kinstler. I became Inanna, the ancient Sumerian Goddess who symbolizes death and rebirth, with wisdom gained.

I attended a pivotal event, Returning to the Mother of Us All, birthed by singer/songwriter Jennifer Berezan. A multilayered, sensory-rich immersion, Returning featured musicians, dancers, poets, actors and activists from all over the world. I participated from an altered state of pure consciousness approaching ecstasy, and at the conclusion, as a 12-foot tall Black Madonna danced in the center of the main stage and the audience cavorted around her, I made my way through the throng to clasp Jennifer’s hands and affirm with heartfelt conviction, “You’ve changed my life”.

Synchronicity and Spiritual Service

These are just a few examples of the myriad ways the Divine Feminine began showing up in my life, as she is now showing up for women (and many men) everywhere. Shannon Andersen, author of The Magdalene Awakening, is a powerful voice in service to this remembering, sharing the essence of the journey she’s lived, decoding the sacred symbols and synchronicities that herald the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine on Earth, as reflected in the archetype of Mary Magdalene.

Trained in past life regression by Brian Weiss, M.D. (author of Many Lives, Many Masters) with an extensive background in religion, psychology, metaphysics and mental health, Shannon embarked on a global quest to discover the meaning of recurring synchronicities surrounding numbers such as 444, 222, and 153, and symbols such as the lily. She eventually found the link between Mary Magdalene, the Cathars, the Knights Templar, and gematria (numerically encoded messages embedded in both the Old and New Testaments). And true to the synchronous manner in which such awakenings unfold, her first past-life regression client remembered a lifetime as Mary Magdalene!

As I listened to Shannon singing my soul’s song during a gathering, I was enfolded in the Returning experience anew, at a deeper level of understanding. A sister in the Magdalene lineage, her words echoed in my cells. The beauty and sanctity of Mary Magdalene is that she is Everywoman. “So many people are having Magdalene experiences now because it is a call to come back to the heart,” says Shannon. “Mary Magdalene represents the strong spiritual aspects within ourselves.

“She is the voice of the Divine Feminine more easily heard by those brought up in a Christian/Jewish culture, as well as those who grew up in this time of awakening feminine power. In myth and legend she is known as the Apostle to the Apostles. She opened up southern France and Europe to Christianity; churches throughout the region are dedicated in her name. Mary Magdalene correlates cross-culturally with Isis, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, White Buffalo Woman and other archetypes of the Divine Feminine found around the world.”

I know from my own journey that synchronicity — a word coined by psychologist Carl Jung that means “meaningful coincidence” — is a key way Spirit commands our attention in the West, where we inhabit ninety-mile-an-hour lives and seldom take time to listen to our inner voice. Shannon had begun seeing the numbers 444 on digital clocks, waking every night at that exact time. She discovered a correspondence with Archangel Michael, and started using this synchronicity for guidance in making important decisions. When she pulled into the parking lot of a building where she was considering employment and the odometer rolled over to 444, she knew the job was hers.

She later learned that on a higher level of meaning, in the gematria of the Greek New Testament, the phrase, “In the beginning there was the word…” adds up to 444. After her book was published, she discovered, as with Magdalene dreams and visions, that people all over the world had begun seeing these master numbers as powerful messengers from their own subconscious mind. And she understood she was being called into service.

(Similarly, when my relationship with crows began in 1993, as legions of Lightbearers were being summoned worldwide, I did not yet recognize Crow as a powerful archetype of the Divine Feminine. I only knew that when they cawed to me, I felt kinship.)

When you step onto the path of awakening, synchronicity will find you. It is the manifestation of spiritual alchemy.

The Magdalene Frequency

This is the time when the Feminine frequency is returning to Earth, to heal and balance the masculine energies that have held sway on the planet for the past 5000 years. It’s the close of a Great Cycle, the Shift of the Ages, and spiritual leaders in all traditions are calling for this sacred reunion. Native American elder, Chief Sonne Reyna, says, “It is time for the women to lead.” The Dalai Lama reportedly said, “The world will be saved by the Western woman.” This is why Magdalene has returned now: to help bring us home to our hearts. The gematria of Magdalene in the Greek New Testament is 153.

Shannon recounts: “At my first book signing, I was curious to see men showing up. I asked one why he was there, and he told me he was a member of the Knights Templar, dedicated to Mary Magdalene. As similar experiences continued I became convinced it is the mission of strong spiritual women to initiate the men into their hearts.”

A secret order that arose during the Middle Ages, the Knights Templar are peace warriors who carry the sword of peace, like Archangel Michael. The historical Knights were thought to worship the Divine Feminine — and some say these Knights held the secret of the marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The sexual initiations of the sacred marriage represented the very alchemy of the creation of life.

The Cathars, a group of monks from the Middle Ages who also held the heretical belief that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were intimate,exalted them as a couple. The Cathars resonate to the number 222. When the Church launched a Crusade against the Cathars, 222 priests were slaughtered. A troubadour poet prophesied that the Cathars would return in 700 years to finish their work.

[Note: the Knights Templar were massacred on Friday, October 13, 1309 — which is why Friday the 13this still considered unlucky! Of course, the Knights Templar vibrate to the number 13. It is the number that denotes transformation, enabling us to make a subtle yet quantum shift, from scared to sacred.]

Yet the Knights, known as the “snail men” because they left a trail for us to follow, knew that death was but a doorway into the next dimension. And today, those of us who are reawakening are both Cathars and Knights: rainbow warriors leading the way into a new dawn. It is 700 years since the 1309 execution: The Age of Aquarius.

“The Magdalene lineage is about service — being a strong, spiritual, heart-driven warrior-monk,” affirms Shannon.

One way to open the doorway to the Divine is to walk a labyrinth. A form of sacred geometry, the labyrinth serves as a connecting link between Heaven and Earth — just as the heart chakra joins the three lower, physical chakras with the three upper, spiritual ones.

When I was moving deeply into my own healing journey, I began visiting the labyrinth at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, which is patterned on the one at Chartes Cathedral in France. Each walk was a release and a blessing, as I remembered and reclaimed a lost aspect of myself.

Shannon shared that the six innermost petals of a labyrinth represent the initiation of the Lord’s Prayer. The rose image (Rose itself being one of the ancient secret names for Magdalene) models the Holy Spirit. The ceremony for walking the center petal, which can be found in The Book of Love by Kathleen McGowan, is:

1stpetal = Faith

2ndpetal = Surrender

3rdpetal = Service

4thpetal = Abundance

5thpetal = Forgiveness

6thpetal = Strength

You can find a labyrinth to walk via the Worldwide Labyrinth Locator.

Coming Home, Again

Shannon concluded our initiatory afternoon with a group past-life regression, asking us to watch for the lesson in that lifetime. I found myself as an 18thcentury Dutch child named Magda, who turned away from the man I loved at age 17 and spent the rest of my life in regret. At my death I cried, “Oh, Ezekiel!”

Initially, I thought the lesson was to accept/allow love when and where I may find it. I felt Mary Magdalene’s presence; certainly I was named for her then, as now — and knew the message was to realize I AM love, and must receive it in order for my own wells to be full, to have something to pour back out to the collective (I’m an Aquarian, the zodiacal Water Bearer).

However, reading The Magdalene Awakening I discovered that 444 is also the number of the Biblical Ezekiel, denoting the angelic realm: “From the spinning orb of light there appeared four beings, with four wings and four faces.” (Ezekiel 1:4). And now I sense that I was looking into my own face, my Divine Masculine, who was asking me to claim my lineage as Magdalene and become one with him in sacred reunion. All true love must begin first within our own beings.

I was unable or unwilling to do so then. But I am here now, with a clear mission to connect the collective towards our eventual expression of unity. I am honored and humbled to be part of the Magdalene lineage, and to be in service at this magnificent moment on Earth.

If you are reading this, you are ready to reclaim your sacred power. Be not afraid. There are too many of us this time — and the Light will prevail.


© Copyright 2009-2020 Amara Rose. All rights reserved.


About the author:

Amara Rose is a spiritual artisan, author, and “midwife” for our global rebirth. She offers life crafting, e-courses, business alchemy and talks to accelerate your evolutionary journey. Learn more at, where you can subscribe to her e-newsletter, What Shines.

09 Jun 2020
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What Hiking Can Teach You About Endurance and Motivation

There are many things I just love about hiking. Still, my passion for planning the next route as soon as I’m back home comes from a simple, yet addictive fact that keeps me yearning for more – the challenge of exploration.

I learned to love hiking some ten years ago when I was undergoing a major life transformation. My depression was successfully treated by pills, and I was ready to get through the day without spending endless hours staring at the ceiling. Still, it was not enough, I wasn’t living life to the fullest.

There was rarely any joy in what I was doing – until I hiked a beginners’ mountain route with friends.

The Best Things In Life Aren’t Easy

It took me a while to get ready for my next hike.

After the first, it was an enjoyable yet very painful experience for my muscles, every suggested route seemed too much for me to handle. Depression took a toll on my weight and my fitness level (not to mention my physical health), and the longest walks were the ones I took during shopping for necessities I couldn’t live without.

At the time, I was not feeling very comfortable going on hikes alone, so my first goal was to hike with my friends without asking for a break after a single mile.

The feeling of wanting to be able to endure something, just to meet my own goals and find enjoyment, was long forgotten, and its power took me by surprise. I suddenly found myself scheduling my neighborhood walks for every evening, and increasing the mileage each day.

This wasn’t easy. My body was aching, and from time to time, I felt so discouraged that I decided I’d rather stay in bed. Still, even I had to admit it – I was making progress.

Some two months later, we chose to walk the same route again. And yes, it still was hard, but not as much as I expected it to be.

But, all the joy it brought! The very fact that I could walk and breathe at the same time, and how walking did not prevent me from soaking in the beauty of nature, was in itself thrilling.

That was it. I needed no other motivation than to make myself able to endure the chosen trail. It felt like all other things in my life had fallen into the right place, like a jigsaw puzzle.

Some Paths Are More Challenging Than the Others

Hiking made me realize that each path we choose has its challenges, but that after all the obstacles, beauty follows.

We are not always prepared for the path we’re walking, so we shouldn’t always try to go alone, but we must learn to ask for and receive support. Sometimes a long route seems alluring, but if we are not ready for it yet, we can put it on our bucket list and prepare for it with every walk we take.

I’ve read a lot about how the Camino de Santiago changed the lives of those who walked it. It is the first trail on my bucket list I will cross off, and it is a journey I plan to do alone. And enjoy each mile, whatever it throws at me – lousy weather, blisters, or pain.

Over time I’ve managed to overcome the fear of hiking on my own, especially when it comes to familiar routes. As I was getting my self-confidence back, I started hiking on my own and enjoying that fantastic feeling of solitude that we all secretly crave.

The solitude gave me a chance to achieve a state of deep calm through meditation, which is a path to personal freedom.

Things Hiking Taught Me

Hiking has transformed my life. It has taught me many lessons that I theoretically knew but only learned through practice.

  • The strength to endure is already in you, even when you spend a whole day in bed, staring at the ceiling. Somewhere, deep down inside you, you still have the power to choose what you’ll take.
  • Each step you take out of your comfort zone, each limit you push a bit further, might hurt in one way or another, but it can’t measure up to the joy of conquering each new challenge.
  • We all need meaning in our lives – it’s what motivates us and keeps us going. We can find that meaning through simple actions we take each day to achieve goals, and values we hold close to our hearts.
  • Hiking builds up your self-confidence, so you’re able to rely on yourself more, and even support the others who find the route more difficult than you. It enables you to grow.

Life is, in a way, a long and meandering path before us, full of unexpected challenges. The uncertainty may scare us, but it may teach us to value the journey. Pretty much like hiking does.



Ascension Lifestyle Contributor Rebecca is a translator and avid traveler, a book worm and horror flick enthusiast. Her  job has given me the amazing opportunity to travel to dozens of countries around the world, and writing gives her the chance to try to showcase some of them.


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