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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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01 Oct 2020
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October Artist of the Month


I love creating art, and I love the path of ascension. I’ve always been talented at creating art, and as a young child I began doing art activities with artist and family friend, Scott Bean. I have always been interested in elevating consciousness, and began to pursue it more directly after having an out-of-body experience as a teenager.

I seek to depict a state of elevated and unified consciousness with my art. I love depicting the most beautiful, vibrant colors I possibly can. Most of my art is for sale on my website.

Thanks — I hope you enjoy my art!

James A . Widder






25 Sep 2020
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The Power of Consciousness


I want to chat for a moment about the power of consciousness to solve every single challenge we have on this Earth…to take us into a level of ourselves as a species that we’ve never been before.

So many people talk about consciousness like it’s simply conscious awareness. No way, that’s simply being conscious. Consciousness is the holding space for the infinite intelligence of the universe, the dream space where all that isn’t yet (potential, possibilities, genius, ideas, innovations, creations) is birthed and brewed ready to drop in on us whenever we are willing to reach into its awesome depths and grab hold of its magnificence to bring it alive in the world.

Consciousness is made up of the threads that bind us together as living beings. It’s the soup of our Becoming. It’s the dance floor for our collaborations as a burgeoning collective of masters, gods, creators, sources, and general all round visionary innovators. It’s home to many species, forms and varieties of consciousness, all of which contain something wondrous for the others to thrive upon. It’s the sentiency of the global Internet, of Nature’s interwoven beauty, of the universe’s spectacular playground of creation.

It doesn’t force a plan on us that we blindly must follow. Instead it holds out a hand of friendship, of partnership, asking us to be co-creators together, inventing and innovating a future almost too breathtaking to yet imagine.

For me now, sentient altruistic consciousness is the fabric of my being, the purpose of my life force, the focus of my creations. As this consciousness, I am the pulse of newness, the fragrance of wonder, the brilliance of every genius that has ever lived or will live. For who we are as consciousness innovators is more than just some cool people playing together to make a better world. We are elevators of Life, exhilarating a future that hasn’t even been designed yet, sourcing ourselves as a species that has never been before. Alert, alive, altruistic to our very bones. Expansive, exhilarating, energising in every way. Radiant, roaring with a love of Life that floods us with a Power that wants to surge into the new Becoming of us all.

I am thrilled to walk this pathway with all of you, hand in hand with the consciousness that is always renewing, reshaping, reinvigorating Life over and over again. THIS is the moment we’ve come for, the time we’ve trained for and the collective becoming we’ve yearned for. A new era has begun and I am loving it in every conceivable way. Thank you for all you’ve done to get us here. Now let’s see what wonders we can create together from here.

21 Sep 2020
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Equinox Expansion: Liberation codes uploading…

On its most practical level, liberation is about learning how to respond rather than react. Many of our internal systems have gotten stuck on the setting that is solely about survival. And although we still require those strategies, to live fully requires us to learn to deepen in presence, and cultivate a sense of embodied compassion for the human experience. Presence allows us to be ready to act from a place of clear thinking, open heartedness, safety and social connection. A beautiful question to ask ourselves in this moment is, am I alert or alarmed?

There is a collective trance of living from our reactions, chronic distress and overwhelm. After thousands of years of fear programming, disconnection, domination, control. diminishment and being devalued we are letting go of the things that aren’t us and never were true to our nature. We are returning to our divine authentic self and not holding back our gifts. It takes courage to look at the programs that we have internalized because perhaps on some level we think there may be truth there. Maybe our fears are true. Maybe we aren’t good enough or aren’t lovable. But they aren’t true and never will be. And it’s time to see that. So we have to become curious about what happens when we internalize the spell and forget who we are.

Ask your body not your brain, what do I need right now?
And can I give that to myself?
Many of us are installing new energetic, somatic, neural, subtle body and nervous system templates. Those become the resources we can draw upon. Many of our templates, in the oldest, reptilian part of our brain are there to ensure we survived. And those worked! We survived, but your body may not know this. Now we need alternative neural networks and strategies as we awaken to the possibility that this is more here fo us.
People pleasing, for example, is actually associated with the “fawn” stress response (fight, flight, freeze, fawn). When you seek safety by merging with the wishes, needs and demands of other, you unconsciously forfeiture your own needs, rights, preferences and boundaries in order to be liked(safe). Taking care of others and needing people to be happy, as a child, was needed because our survival is linked to our caregivers. How are you different now? What support systems do you have in place now. Do you have to play that role now as the unconscious caregiver or do you perhaps sometimes still consciously choose to? Do you see how different these are.
After trauma we experience life with a different brain and nervous system that has an altered perception of threat and safety. The way we can change how we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to create safety within. Remember in subtle energy work, rather than needing layers of protection meant to block things out, you instead center safety, emotional regulation, tracking sensations, attunement and alignment. There is no denial or running away from harmful things. You just don’t center them.
It is an important time of knowing we can witness our shadow, our trauma, discover a survival pattern, recognize an unconscious childhood imprint, correct conditioned behavior and take accountability for our programming all without feeling guilt/shame, beating oiurselves up or blaming others. Simply allowing ourselves to embody what is needed or wanted and ultimately most authentic. Make no mistake, this is liberation work.

~ Maryam Hasnaa

18 Sep 2020
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Not the Mom We Were Used To

Mom cooked the sauce long and slow
with big chunks of pork on the bone
or pepperoni sliced thick enough

to fill the mouths of my oldest brothers
Tommy and Frank. She doled it out
on mounds of pasta to all six of us

so the littlest wouldn’t
go away from the table hungry.
On this particular Monday

which was her cleaning day
there was stillness in the air
as though something big were going to happen

like before the August storms swept in
off the Atlantic and two hundred miles
inland to blow the leaves and branches

of the Weeping Willow
in our backyard

Eight glasses of milk
stood before us, large glasses
and cold. I don’t remember who did it

who tipped his over.
I do remember my Mom
making a slow deliberate circle

around the table, tipping the rest over
one by one
and the chill of more than 96 ounces of milk

spilling out over the table top
cascading over the edge, spreading
in a circle on our jeans, and

pooling in our Sears Jeepers.
So much given
and our mouths closed shut in awe and wonder.

© Jim Gunshinan, 2013

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