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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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28 Oct 2020
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Thresholds of Autumn


Autumn is immersing us in the reflections of organic closure. As we witness the shifts in the land, we can track the changes occurring within ourselves and relationships. The plants are decomposing and preparing for winter’s rest. We may feel a similar process of release. It is a time of thresholds and deep opportunity for re-patterning relational blueprints.

The energy of this moment is highlighting themes related to the fine details of how we communicate. Relationship endings are admittedly difficult but they don’t have to be.This is why relationship endings have to be done with great attention to detail and great skill.  Messy endings are what keep people in cycles of the drama still playing out, particularly in the subtle body. Accept the endings that serve a greater life for you. Every person plays a part in the ending and sometimes your part is that historically you see red flags but stick around anyway to see how things play out. What cycles are you breaking and what lessons are you working on?

Trust the organic process of change that is occurring. Make space for what is emerging. A wonderful practice to resource oneself in times of closure is to rearrange your living space. Your home is an extension of your energy field. This is why practices like cleaning your home, rearranging furniture, organizing your closet and getting rid of objects that are cluttering your space can have a profound impact on your own mind, body and spirit. This process of clearing and resetting, internally and externally, can support us to show up with greater integrity in the transformations that are beckoning us.

You don’t have to either run away from or fully engage head on with power dynamics. There is so much range in between for how you can show up skillfully while still mastering your own response. Many relationships end because you realize someone never actually cared about your feelings. Often they end when you recognize someone constantly leaves you feeling drained or depleted. But sometimes you just recognize you and someone else are just on different paths. Not every relationship ending means something went wrong. Center yourself, connect to your home frequency, and trust that the path of your own integrity is the guidance you need to navigate the changes.

~ Maryam Hasnaa

Photography by Ev Marquee

27 Oct 2020
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The Pineal Gland (Third Eye), A Hidden Treasure

The pineal gland is an endocrine gland and is located exactly in the middle of our brain. The pineal gland receives its name from its pinecone shape, and is also known as epiphysis cerebri. This gland secretes melatonin, and this hormone is associated with our circadian rhythm and is considered a powerful antioxidant.

The first known scientific studies were done by Galen, the Greek doctor and philosopher. He thought that this gland was filled with “psychic pneuma,” a substance that he described as “the first instrument of the soul.” His views prevailed until the 17th century, then René Descartes, the French philosopher and mathematician, regarded the pineal gland as “the principal seat of the soul and the place in which all our thoughts are formed”.

In ancient mystical traditions the pineal gland is known as the third eye, Horus eye, Power of God, and it has been present in the history of humanity since the beginning.

We can find references about the pineal gland in ancient Egyptian inscriptions and icons, in Hinduism, in Buddhism, in the Mayan, Inca, Aztec cultures, in the Native American cultures. The pineal gland is depicted in various forms across Asia and Oceania. We can also find references to this gland in catholic religion, with sculptures and images of the “Pigna”.

We can see that the pineal gland has been known and acknowledged all over the world, since very ancient times. We have to ask ourselves: why?

According to the Cyclopea Method, the pineal gland is the open door to access the fields of superior creation and perfection. The internal activation of this gland allows us to recover our real identity and recover our original creative powers. Ancient people knew about the properties and secrets of the pineal gland. It is time for us to rediscover our own “hidden jewel” and start a new co-creation process to achieve our most precious goals.

I will keep sharing more about the pineal gland and the Cyclopea Method. This method has been around in Spanish only and is now available in English.

About the Author


Veronica Sanchez is Chilean-Australian, now living in the UK and a proud mother of teenage twins. A spiritual awakening teacher, bestselling author, pineal gland (third eye) activator and Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method, Veronica is currently the only instructor in the world teaching the Cyclopea Method in English.

21 Oct 2020
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Designing A New Future Now

I’ve been designing the future for the past twenty years with others from all around the world. We’ve sourced it in consciousness, drawn it present into the matrix of reality and then lived it in every way in our own lives. We’ve been speakers for it, coaches empowering it, teachers teaching it, writers writing books about it and painters painting it onto canvas for others to be inspired by.

The following outline the facets of the design we’ve been sourcing with an intention that all life elevates and thrives on this beautiful planet and throughout the universe in which we dwell.


Connection is the foundation of this new future design. Connection to self gives a sense of expansive flow, resulting in wholeness, vitality and emotional ease. Connection to all life forms, nature, and the universe gives us a strong feeling of the miraculousness of life and respect for all life. Once connected, there is a sense of being part of something greater unfolding. Instead of feeling isolated and powerless, we shift into community, collaboration, and working for the greater good of all.

Infinite Intelligence

In the past, intelligence has been about memorization and thinking in an isolated mind. Today we can operate in infinite intelligence, which offers us innate knowing and a true sense of clarity, direction and purpose. Once the individual mind is connected to infinite intelligence, creation, invention and innovation become the norm as we move beyond conditioned thinking to source the NEW from limitless possibilities & infinite creation

Moving from I to We

When we let go of identity and an orientation to all things personal and begin to focus on contributing, we discover the journey from I to We. We’ve been innovating a new collectiveness that includes whale gods, tree gods, bee gods and all the life forms on this planet. When we work in this new collective consciousness, our unique contributions are given into an alchemical creation of collaborative genius fusion, shared mastery and what I like to call kaleidoscopic mergence. Here we source extraordinary breakthroughs of unprecedented creation. We become the Force, the ALL, the universe all together, et voila, evolutionary leaps are brought into being.

Evolutionary Leaps

We are no longer in the slow lane of traditional evolution. Epigeneticists are showing us how to work with our own DNA to optimize our well-being and potential. As consciousness creators, we’ve been calling in and embodying an emerging Godness or life power, if you will. You could say the Force is now tangibly with us all. As a result, magical synergy becomes a natural way of life and evolutionary leaps happen with a greater sense of grace. We surrender the search for identity and become passionate, practical infinite beings of possibility and creation.


I am a lover of consciousness and, along with my buddies around the world over the past 20 years, we’ve been elevating the consciousness of us all and creating a profound relationship with consciousness as the matrix of life, the quantum field where possibilities come to grow and actualize. Consciousness is no longer a warehouse of previous knowledge. It’s a thriving, ‘pulsing with life’ partner to us all here on Earth, gifting us our own universal guidance system built right into the very cells of us, and that changes everything.

The Miraculous: Sourcing Unprecedented Outcomes

There is a growing force on this planet that we could call the Force, the Universe, an emerging sense of Godness in all life. Whatever we choose to call it, this Life Power aligns us with the miraculous force that has been hidden from humanity for so long. Hidden no longer, this force thrives in nature and in us all. We exhilarate it and it exhilarates us. You can see it in the green glow of nature at the moment. In the sparkling waters. In the wonder of bird song. Partnering and becoming this miraculous force allows us to:

  • Source our own well being and vitality in new ways
  • Minimize and eliminate illness and
  • Source unprecedented outcomesfor all life on this beautiful planet.

17 Oct 2020
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Chiropractor Tips on Maintaining Good Posture As You Work From Home


When COVID-19 struck, it resulted in many people having to work from home. While this has been convenient for some, it has brought about a few problems, especially when it comes to posture. If you’re now stuck at home working, you might not have the right equipment to keep your spine healthy as you do your job. This could result in you being more susceptible to back pain and tension. This article will explore why good posture is vital, and a few ways you can maintain it as you work from home.

Why is Good Posture Important?

Using good posture at home is vital for many reasons. One is that it improves your spine’s overall health. If you’re constantly slouching or have tense muscles in your back, it can result in inflammation around it. This could cause pain and, in some cases, slipped discs. You’ll find that if not corrected, poor posture could eventually make it difficult for you to move.

Another reason good posture is important is that it keeps your lungs open. Bending over can put pressure on your lungs, which can make it harder for you to breathe.

The last main reason good posture is crucial is that it improves your circulation and digestion. Just as with your lungs, poor posture can put pressure on your vital organs. This can make it harder for blood to reach them and for you to digest food. Because of this, it makes you more susceptible to muscle cramps and acid reflux.

What Causes Bad Posture?

Numerous behaviors can cause bad posture. These includes:

  • Behind over to look at devices
  • Slouching
  • Joint degeneration
  • Being overweight
  • Your diet 

6 Ways to Improve Your Posture at Home



1.   Use Lumbar Support

Lumbar support is important when it comes to maintaining good posture. It cradles your spine’s natural curvature, ensuring that it stays aligned. This can help you to keep your spine straight when working, but in a comfortable way. It also prevents the surrounding muscles from contracting, something which can thwart back pain and muscle spasms.

If you don’t want to purchase a chair with lumbar support you could opt for a lumbar cushion. By sitting on it, it will keep your pelvis aligned. This pillow will also avert pressure on your lower spine, which could make it uncomfortable for you to sit. A lumbar cushion is usually constructed out of memory foam so it will mold itself around your body while keeping it properly supported.

2.   Do Posture-Supportive Exercises

A great way to improve your posture is to do exercises, including those that prevent tech neck, a condition that puts strain on your upper spine. These tech neck exercises aren’t difficult and work to stretch your muscles to prevent cramps and increase flexibility.

·     Forward Fold

The forward fold stretch not only works on your back muscles, but hamstrings and hips. To do the forward fold, first stand with proper posture. Keep your heels slightly apart and slowly bend your body down toward your feet. As you do so, take your hands and try to touch the floor with them. Once you bend as far as you can go, take your hands and grasp them on the back of each ankle. Gently bend your legs to help with this. Hold the position for a few seconds and then release.

·     Chest Opener

This exercise is easy for home office workers and helps those who tend to sit for long hours. To begin, stand as straight as you can while keeping your feet aligned with the edges of your hips. Extend your arms behind you and clasp them together. Keep your head straight and slightly lean your body back. Hold this pose for a few seconds and then return to the first position. Repeat this process a few more times.

·     Seated Spinal Rotations

If you’re unable to get up while working, you could try this simple exercise. While sitting, cross your arms so that they touch the top of each shoulder. Once you do, turn your head to the right until you feel a slight pull in your neck and upper spine. Hold for a few seconds. Then, turn your head to the left until you feel a slight pull. Hold again for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise about five times.

3.   Keep Your Feet Flat on the Ground

Keeping your feet flat on the ground can be hard, especially if you work long hours. However, not keeping your feet flat on the ground can result in leg pain that radiates up your spine. Because of this, do your best to keep them flat on the ground. If you have trouble doing so, consider investing in a footrest or wearing supportive shoes.

4.   Keep Your Computer Monitor at Eye Level

By ensuring your computer monitor is at eye level, it will keep your spine aligned. This will prevent you from being hunched over when looking at the screen, something which could lead to eye or neck strain.

5.   Place Items Close By

When working, it can be easy to have important files and devices scattered around your desk. While this might not seem like a big problem, it can hurt your back. By constantly reaching and grabbing these items it twists your spine. This could lead to muscle cramps or even low back pain. To maintain good posture, try to keep desk items in an easy-to-reach area. This includes keeping your mouse nearby and placing papers or folders in a spot you can easily reach without having to stretch your body.

6.   Eat a Healthy Diet

Enjoying a salty or sweet snack when working might seem great at the time, but it could be damaging your spine. These items can weaken your spine because they invite inflammation and can even hurt your muscles. To encourage your spine to stay healthy, consider adding a few spine-healthy items to your diet. These include:

  • Yogurt
  • Tofu
  • Peanuts
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Salmon
  • Turmeric
  • Avocados
  • Cinnamon

Maintaining proper posture while working from home can be difficult. However, by keeping these tips in mind, you can ensure your spine stays healthy and pain-free.



About the Author:

Dr. Brent Wells, D.C. founded Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab and has been a chiropractor for over 20 years. His practice has treated thousands of patients for different health problems through chiropractic care designed to help give long-lasting relief.

He is a proud member of the American Chiropractic Association and the American Academy of Spine Physicians. Dr. Wells continues his education to remain active and updated in all studies related to neurology, physical rehab, biomechanics, spine conditions, brain injury trauma, and more.



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