Inflammation has long been a well-known symptom of many infectious diseases, but molecular and epidemiological research increasingly suggests that it is also intimately linked with a broad range of non-infectious diseases, perhaps even all of them. Although these insights might not lead to a unified theory of disease, the crucial role of inflammatory processes makes possible the development of a new generation of drugs to treat conditions including cancers, autoimmune disorders and infectious diseases.
An increasing body of evidence shows that chronic inflammation causes and advances many common diseases. This opens new possibilities for treatment and therapy by blocking the inflammatory processes.
Multi-disciplinary research has revealed that electrically conductive contact of the human body with the surface of the Earth (grounding or earthing) produces intriguing effects on physiology and health. Such effects relate to inflammation, immune responses, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Specifically, grounding an organism produces measurable differences in the concentrations of white blood cells, cytokines, and other molecules involved in the inflammatory response.
The best ways to strengthen your bond to the Earth is to spend time outside—walking barefoot on sand or grass, swimming in the ocean or a lake, taking moon baths, and hugging trees. Our ancestors had no trouble connecting with Mother Nature, and getting grounded. They were outside every day, all day, rain or shine. We are lucky to have a roof over our heads but the downside is a loss of that daily interaction with the earth, and a corresponding lack of grounding. Connecting physically to the Earth releases negative energy from your field into the ground, and draws positive energy from Mother Nature into your field and chakras, which replenishes and recharges your whole being.
So we know grounding is scientifically proven to drastically increase health, but how do we ground ourselves when we aren’t around nature, stuck inside, are in cold climates or during winter? What happens to our bodies when we get disconnected from Mother Earth for too long?
Got Brain Fog?
Your first chakra, also known as your root or base chakra, is the foundation for the energy flow in your body. This chakra keeps you firmly in your body and grounded, and if it needs cleansing or charging, you may feel a little “spacey” or somewhat out of your body. Additional symptoms of a dysfunctional first chakra can include: lightheadedness or a “floaty” feeling, forgetfulness, clumsiness, a feeling of being lost or actually getting lost, having trouble staying focused or present, fatigue, and a general dazed sensation. With an imbalanced first chakra, your other chakras are likely to be affected and become dysfunctional as well. Grounding will balance this chakra, which is the foundation for our energy meridian system.
As the weather shifts from the heat of summer to the crispness of fall and then the deep chill of winter, you are less likely to be spending time barefoot outside your heated indoor space. So how can you stay grounded during these months?
Sungaze. Even inside.
If you’re lucky enough to live in a part of the world where winter still gets some sunlight, take advantage of that! Not only does the sun provide natural vitamin D, which boosts your immune system, it also charges and replenishes your energy field. Sunlight is like natural rays of energy healing from the heavens, so soak it up as much as possible. Like a cat curling up for a nap in the window, have a seat in a patch of sunlight coming through a window and let it radiate into your skin, into your chakras and energy field. Twenty minutes in the early morning or late afternoon would be perfect!
Hold the earth in your hands.
Stones are direct conduits to earth energy. They are literally earth, so they can help ground you just by touching them. Kyanite, hematite, smokey quartz, black tourmaline and garnet are good choices for grounding crystals, but any piece of rock will do. You can bless it for the purpose of keeping you centered and connected to Mother Nature, and then keep it in your pocket for quick access anytime you start to feel disassociated from the earth or your body.
Getting out of your head and being present in your body is an important part of grounding. Physical activity can help to shift your energy from your thoughts to your body as you focus your attention on your body and the world around you. Yoga, pilates or martial arts can be particularly effective because they center your mind, body, and spirit simultaneously.
Like exercise, mindfully eating brings your attention to your body. Gaining sustenance from the earth also helps to connect you to it—to remind you of that fundamental truth of energy medicine: you are connected to everything. Try to eat as many fresh vegetables as you can, and especially root vegetables which grow under the soil and carry strong earth energy.
Salt Bathes.
Salts have natural healing capabilities, as does water, so when you combine them in a warm tub, you take cleansing to a spiritual level. This helps to heal and cleanse your body, mind, and soul, including stripping unwanted negative energy you may have stuck to you from someone else. Salt baths simulate swimming in the ocean, which is one of the best ways to ground yourself. Adding in herbs and essential oils is another way to bring the magic of mother nature indoors. Even a foot bath alone will ground you.
There is an easy visualizations you can do from home that will help to connect you to the earth. Picture yourself as a tree, with roots growing from your feet. Feel your roots sinking into the soil, extracting nourishment and energy that you can bring into your body making you healthier. Imagine your roots sinking deeper and deeper, giving you a stronger foundation, a sense of calm, and a greater bond with nature.
Remember to embrace the darkness.
Darkness is an important place for deep work. Winter is a powerful time, symbolizing both life and death, the cycle of death and rebirth, of disintegration and renewal that controls all life on earth.. including me and including you. It is the time that although motion ceases… at the same moment, life begins to stir again. Animals go into hibernation and seeds sleep deep beneath the snow. They will not move until the spring, but deep within them a process has completed itself. There is an infinite contraction of energy that the long nights and cold days reflect. This energy reaches its limit, and the cycle reverses itself. From that moment on, even though the winter will continue to gather strength and unfold as it must… the spring has been born. And in just a short few months, the light will be increasing again, and next thing you know, you’ll be back outside in the sunlight and back barefoot in the grass!
Ascension Lifestyle Staff Writer: Genevieve Elena
Deborah King4
4Seven Ways to Get Grounded Inside.
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