The same energy fields that have Jupiter and Venus engaged in a gorgeous celestial marriage these last few nights is rocking all the universe in nothing short of remarkable, albeit unpredictable, waves. Changes we’ve awaited maybe all of our lives seem finally to be manifesting. Simultaneously, events so dark we find it hard to breathe through them continue as if unstoppable.
If energy closely related to what is redefining landscapes far and wide is sweeping through your days, you are not alone.
Tonight’s full moon cannot address all the questions being posed by the Universe right now but it will shed some light on the deeper layers of this summer’s tremendous energetic challenges.
Capricorn excels at understanding the need for boundaries and will draw you up short if you find yourself in Golden Retriever Mode once again, extending your heart toward someone or something which you know from experience is going to bite.
Maybe even more essential, this moon is laced with a sense of commitment to the long haul. It reminds you to stick with this ride with your heart lifted and your vision focused.
Conversely, this moon hopes you’ll notice anywhere you have sunk your teeth into something for so long that you haven’t noticed it’s nearly worn you into the ground. Capricorn reminds you to stop and engage in something playful, something capable of bringing laughter right up through your core. All the heavy-lifting you take on will eventually have you sinking right through the floor if you forget to ask for help or allow in the awareness that enough is enough.
While Capricorn asks you to commit to that which is worthy of you, but also to see where you may have given yourself to something or someone no longer worth the crusade, the Cancer Sunlight illumining tonight’s moon has you drawn right into the epicenter of issues that have been circling your family for years. And your desire to know how to find safe refuge–Home–is being ignited all month long with the Sun in Cancer. (More on that in the next moon column focused solely on Cancer.)
Have I mentioned that this full moon is merged with Pluto and opposing Mars? You may find yourself in close proximity to fireworks anywhere someone (including you) has grown blue-knuckled with an exaggerated desire to remain in control. It’s not a bad idea to give flexibility some play right now.
As you navigate these next few combustible days, please try to remember to keep to the simple, and to take three deep breaths before leaping into the fray.
Truly, all the Invisible World is at your back. So steady she goes.
By: Ascension Lifestyle Guest Contributor
Be humble, for you are made of earth.
Be noble, for you are made of stars.
Be noble, for you are made of stars.
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