You are enough
The Veil of Illusion
We spend many lifetimes often choosing to have a very tiny aspect of our consciousness incarnate into a physical experience in order to have the opportunity to bring more consciousness to all. Unhealed emotions are deeply embedded in the individual and collective unconscious. To heal something we need to experience it. This includes false beliefs. Things that we judge from the personality egoic mind as imperfection, from the perspective of the soul we can never be less than perfect.
We live in a reality of illusion, a constant dream state, behind a veil. This is part of the soul contract that we have agreed to when we decided to take part in this Earth School experiment. We created the illusion that we are Separate(ego). We place some of our consciousness into a physical body and focus solely on the physical reality. We agreed that we would experience a collective amnesia, we would forget who we are and through our life experiences we would have the opportunity to once again discover the truth of our divine nature. The reason we chose to spend time in this physical incarnation is that contrast of this sort does not exist in the spirit and other non-physical realms. We plan experiences in order to know ourselves as love, compassion, and deeply connected to Source.
Through these opportunities of contrast we are awakened to the deeper truth of who we are. By immersing ourselves in experiences lacking in compassion, we create an impetus to develop internal compassion. This is a life of learning through opposites, a path of profound spiritual growth. The soul plans may include handicaps, illnesses, limitations, physical accidents, drug addiction, homelessness, or many other types as challenges. All That Is benefits from the expansion that we create. So not only do we benefit from our own souls lessons, but we offer insight and inspiration to the entire Universe through this great work. As souls we do not judge. From a spirit perspective, all judgement is self judgement. This may be due in part to the fact that on a subtle level we are aware that we chose the experiences we have lived.
Enlightenment is self love. Along with forgiveness, gratitude is a sacred vibration. It immediately aligns us with a flow of All That Is. We express gratitude not to say that we are happy for our suffering but rather for the growth we have experienced. Stay in gratitude that you have been given opportunities to awaken to higher levels of consciousness. Many do not have this consciousness available to them. Staying in a state of gratitude helps the shift the focus to healing. The ongoing practice of gratitude has proven effects on the well being of the body including being linked with lower rates of heart diseases. Free will is always available to us at any moment that we chose that we no longer wish to move through the experiences that we set up to learn in the exact same manner as was written. We can do this by increasing our vibrational frequency.
Practicing compassion, gratitude, forgiveness and taking more loving actions towards others. In my belief everything has a higher meaning. I have learned to trust and surrender my limited understanding of the true meaning behind all of my experiences. I simply practice going with the flow. Knowing that in time all truth will be revealed. Our challenge is to find the beauty in the midst of all of our challenges. The true mark of an enlightened being is their ability to turn a negative experience into a positive one. Each of us has a divine purpose. Often the specific challenges that you planned will have a direct correlation with what we want to share with the rest of the world. I pray this week brings you closer to all that you desire to know.
Peace and blessings to All.
By: Ascension Lifestyle Contributor Hasnaa
Raised by two parents who are spiritual teachers, Hasnaa has been immersed in a world of mysticism, ceremony and celebration since before she was born. She is currently in training as a Priestess and has found her calling teaching others how to embody their higher self and their soul’s purpose. Born a clairsentient, she has learned the importance of living in alignment with one’s intuition and most authentic self. Hasnaa uses her etheric abilities to remind people of the vibrational, energetic nature of this universe. The key elements that differentiate her work from others include the depth of knowledge and experience within a diverse range of esoteric spiritual traditions and energetic practices. She is an experienced in metaphysics, universal law, spiritual law, ceremony, ritual, reincarnation and meditation. She specializes in helping people honor their soul’s highest purpose and their pre-birth plan. Hasnaa incorporates ancient knowledge as well as cutting edge information to intuitively create a program for her private clients that will awaken their potential and create deep transformational healing.
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