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Today I was updating my Patreon account and found myself writing 'Creating a portal to miraculous living...
Limiting beliefs are your beliefs about reality that restrict what you can experience in life,...
We've often thought about muscle as a thing that exists separately from intellect—and perhaps...
A lack of essential nutrients is known to contribute to the onset of poor mental health in people...
This is a transcription of an audio lecture: I was talking with a man a couple of days ago...
"The more we allow ourselves to unfold, the less likely we are to unravel." ~ from Yearnings: Embracing the...
If you've seen a loved one take a bad fall – like my mother did a few months ago – you know the...
There is so much angst in the air these days that we may all be feeling more sensitive, exhausted or even more...
No matter what is or isn’t happening in the world right now, you and I and all of Creation is loved beyond...
There is an interesting story about how Pablo Picasso, the famous Spanish artist and creative genius,...
Claiming your own voice can be a life-long process, especially because our voices change over time. I find...
Aliquam sit amet augue lorem. Proin a turpis risus, a rhoncus tortor. Sed quis neque quis neque imperdiet egestas vel in ligula. Integer dignissim molestie semper. Fusce scelerisque mattis laoreet. Duis suscipit sodales placerat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam semper lectus sem. Cras varius dapibus purus, at ullamcorper dui ullamcorper et. Praesent at nibh non massa consequat cursus. Morbi placerat felis ac ipsum dictum non congue lacus faucibus.
Anna Smith, Model
Curabitur sit amet ipsum quis purus eleifend sollicitudin. Mauris dapibus sagittis arcu, eu porttitor justo tempor quis. Mauris luctus massa ut arcu mollis at interdum massa vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis hendrerit neque eget dui rutrum et ullamcorper purus placerat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer blandit justo eget risus ultrices ultrices. Donec dapibus ultricies nisl, sed congue nisl pellentesque vitae. Fusce interdum ultrices imperdiet.Donec id urna eu risus ultricies adipiscing. Fusce non mollis risus. Aliquam ac nulla arcu, vel dapibus augue. Sed id urna lectus, eu laoreet quam.
Nam lorem sapien, venenatis interdum feugiat id, pretium et sapien. Sed auctor tincidunt arcu ultricies eleifend. Donec tempor viverra massa, interdum dignissim velit hendrerit vel.Quisque posuere egestas leo, vel congue massa elementum vitae cras metus ligula, lacinia nec cursus.