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27 Jan 2024
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Laundry Is A Top Source Of Microplastic Pollution – Here’s How To Clean Your Clothes More Sustainably

Microplastics are turning up everywhere, from remote mountain tops to deep ocean trenches. They also are in many animals, including humans.

The most common microplastics in the environment are microfibers – plastic fragments shaped like tiny threads or filaments. Microfibers come from many sources, including cigarette butts, fishing nets and ropes, but the biggest source is synthetic fabrics, which constantly shed them.

Textiles shed microfibers while they are manufactured, worn and disposed of, but especially when they are washed. A single wash load can release several million microfibers. Many factors affect how many fibers are released, including fabric type, mechanical action, detergents, temperature and the duration of the wash cycle.

My research focuses on coastal ecology and water pollution, including work in New York and New Jersey marshes and estuaries that are heavily affected by human activities. Here are some things to know about reducing microplastic pollution from your washing machine.

From Fabric To Water And Soil

Once garments release microfibers in washing machines, the fibers enter the wastewater stream, which generally goes to a wastewater treatment plant. Advanced treatment plants can remove up to 99% of microfibers from water. But since a single laundry load can produce millions of fibers, treated water discharged from the plant still contains a huge number of them.

Microfibers that are removed during treatment end up in sewage sludge – a mix of solid materials that is processed to remove pathogens. In many cases, treated sewage sludge is applied to soil as a fertilizer. This allows microfibers to enter air and soil, and to be transferred to soil organisms and up the terrestrial food web or taken up by crops.

Microplastics that wash into rivers, lakes and bays can have many harmful effects. They may be consumed by fish and other aquatic animals, affecting their biochemistry, physiology, reproduction, development or behavior. These microplastics contain chemical additives, including substances like phthalates and bisphenol A that can leach out and may have health effects in humans and animals, including effects on the endocrine system.

Textile microfibers also contain additional chemicals that have been shown to be toxic, such as fabric dyes, anti-wrinkle agents and flame retardants. In addition, contaminants that are present in the water, such as metals and pesticides, can stick to microplastic particles, turning them into a veritable cocktail of contaminants that may be transferred into animals that eat them.

Washing More Sustainably

Not all fabrics shed microfibers at the same rate. A loosely woven fabric that feels fluffy or fuzzy, such as fleece, sheds more than a tightly woven one. While garments made of natural fibers, such as cotton and wool, would appear to be a solution, unfortunately they also shed microfibers that can pick up pollutants in the environment.

Some textile scientists and manufacturers are developing fabrics that shed less than existing ones, thanks to features such as longer fibers and coatings to reduce shedding. Meanwhile, here are some ways to reduce microfiber shedding from your laundry:

  • Do laundry less often. Washing full loads instead of partial loads reduces release of microfibers because garments are exposed to less friction during the wash cycle.
  • Use cold water, which releases fewer microfibers than hot water.
  • Use less detergent, which increases microfiber release.
  • Use a front-loading washing machine, whose tumbling action produces less microfiber release.
  • Dry laundry on a clothesline. Running clothes in dryers releases additional microfibers into the air from the dryer vent.

Several types of products collect microfibers in the washer before they are released with wastewater. Some are laundry bags made of woven monofilament, a single-polyamide filament that does not disintegrate into fibers. Laundry is washed while enclosed in the bag, which traps microfibers that the garments release. A study of one such product, Guppyfriend, found that it collected about one-third of released microfibers.

Another device, the Cora Ball, is a plastic ball with spines topped with soft plastic discs that capture microfibers. It reduces microfibers by about 25% to 30%, but may not be suitable for loose knits because it can snag on threads and damage clothing.

Filter Your Washwater

Several brands of external filters are available that can be retrofitted onto existing washing machines. External filters can remove up to 90% of microfibers from rinse water. Their average cost is about US$150. Owners need to clean the filters periodically and dispose of the collected microfibers with other solid waste, not down the drain, which would put them back into the wastewater stream.

In a 2021 study, researchers installed washing machine filters in 97 homes in a town in Ontario, Canada, which represented about 10% of the households in the community. They found that this significantly reduced microfibers in treated water from the local treatment plant.

Some companies are now manufacturing washers with built-in microfiber filters. France has enacted a requirement for all new washing machines to be equipped with filters by 2025, and Australia has announced that filters will be required in commercial and residential washers by 2030.

In the U.S., a similar requirement was passed by the California legislature in 2023, but Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed the bill, saying he was concerned about the cost to consumers. An economic study commissioned by Ocean Conservancy found that filters would increase the price of washing machines by only $14 to $20 per machine. Several states are considering regulations that would require filters in washers.

In my view, requiring manufacturers to add filters that can trap microfibers to washing machines is a reasonable and affordable step that could rapidly reduce the enormous quantities of microfibers in wastewater. The eventual solution will be reengineered textiles, which won’t shed, but it will take some time to develop them and move them into clothing supply chains. In the meantime, filters are the most effective way to tackle the problem.



Original story here


24 Jan 2024
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4 brilliant ways to respond to someone gaslighting you

There’s nothing more frustrating than people who try to gaslight you.

The form of emotional abuse, where someone seeks to make a person doubt their own sanity, is something experienced by many – particularly women, who, according to a 2018 policing report, account for 95% of all gaslighting victims.

Being able to respond to gaslighting can be just as tricky as identifying it – and one person highlighting the best way to respond to this form of abuse is Dr Pria.

The clinical psychologist and popular TikToker has shared four assertive responses to people who try to gaslight you in a video that has been viewed over 864,000 times.

In the clip, Dr Pria says the first assertive response people should say is, “I know what I experienced.”

Next, she says, “We remember that differently” is a good way to respond to someone who is gaslighting you, followed by “I hear you, but that’s not my experience.”

Lastly, Dr Pria says, “My emotions are not up for debate” is the fourth and final assertive response worth using to shut down gaslighters.

The video, which has been liked by over 103,000 people, saw many take to the comments to share their experiences being gaslit, while sharing the phrases they use.

One commented that her go-to response is “This conversation is over” while another wrote: “You can’t tell me how I felt”.

“The phrase I like to use is ‘We remember that differently’”, another commented. “This usually shuts them down.”

A fourth said: “I say ‘perception is everything’ doesn’t matter what he/she says their intent was. How you perceive something is always more important.”

Commenters also shared how they planned to use these responses going forward.

“Currently making flashcards so I can memorise these responses,” one said. “I freeze up and lose my train of thought every time I get gaslit by the narc.”

“Definitely going to be implementing these phrases going forward,” another wrote. “I experience this so frequently and I never know how best to respond but this has changed things for me.”



Original article here

19 Jan 2024
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The Rise of the Accidentally Permissive Parent

My friend Hannah, a single mother of two boys, ages 6 and 9, remembers the first time a teacher brought up her older son’s behavior at school. She had left New York City in the midst of his public-school kindergarten year to temporarily hunker down near family during the pandemic. A few months later, she enrolled him in an in-person private school near where they’d relocated. At an introductory play date there, a teacher, who had been at the school for 40 years, “very nicely said to me, ‘This is a young gentleman who needs to learn some boundaries.’” Now settled back in Manhattan, Hannah recently received a similar note about her younger son, who is in kindergarten. “I met with the school psychologist because I had noticed a lot of disrespect at home,” she said. The psychologist said the same thing as the small-town kindergarten teacher: The kid needed boundaries.

Hannah readily admits that she might be a tad permissive as a parent. She has a hard time holding the line with screen time on school nights and gives in to stop the mind-numbing negotiating her kids have perfected. On a recent visit to a friend’s house, where her kids didn’t want to eat the breakfast that was offered, Hannah marveled as the dad of the house told them there were no other options and they could take it or leave it. “I thought, We can do that?” Hannah laughed. “I am making toast and sausage for one kid, eggs for another, running around.”

She doesn’t name her philosophy as “gentle parenting” or “respectful parenting” or “intentional parenting” — though she’s familiar with these buzzwords. They cloud the air that modern parents, myself included, breathe. Instead, she says she is simply trying to be less punitive than her own parents, to break up the patterns (namely, screaming and spanking) that she and many of her fellow Gen-X parents experienced growing up. According to a new, still unpublished study, this is exactly how parents of young children who are attempting to practice gentle parenting see the movement. Researchers Alice Davidson, Ph.D., a professor of developmental psychology at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, and Annie Pezalla, Ph.D., an assistant professor of psychology at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota, asked 100 parents to choose adjectives that describe their own parenting style versus their parents’. “Those who identified as ‘gentle parenting’ parents used more terms to describe their approach: gentle, affectionate, conscious, intentional. All the words are synonymous,” says Davidson. “Whereas they use fewer, more simplistic words to describe their parents,” she says — words like reactive or confrontational. “Even for respondents whose parents showed a lot of love and warmth, they want to do that and then some,” says Davidson.

This softer approach, however, doesn’t necessarily get results. When Hannah’s kids misbehave, she finds that talking about what they’re feeling or taking a few deep breaths in the other room doesn’t seem to help. And while she is convinced that her kids don’t “walk all over” her, she knows she isn’t consistent with expectations and limits. She is getting tired of the escalating back talk, throwing, and ruthless negotiating. She tells me she wonders if she’s been too soft. No one wants to usher in a generation of entitled jerks. But are well-meaning gentle parents doing just that?

“Jerk” sounds harsh. (Dr. Becky Kennedy, one of Instagram’s most popular parenting experts and the author of a best-selling book, Good Inside, calls these children “good kids who are having a hard time.”) But if you are a parent, you’ve seen the hard time up close, possibly in your own house. Kids on playdates who throw the applesauce pouch across the room after demanding graham crackers. Kids who hit with no punishment. Kids who act as if there are no rules, only suggestions.

“I had a second-grader and her mother over to play, and at one point, the child slapped her mother because she didn’t get something she wanted. And the mother did nothing! She didn’t even seem embarrassed!” says Elsie, a mother of three in Harlem, who says her own parenting style leans more traditional, with a big emphasis on respecting adults. Jill, a public-school teacher in Harlem and private tutor throughout Manhattan, says she frequently deals with kids in her tutoring sessions who seem to have the upper hand over their parents. “Kids refuse to participate in a tutoring session, they pull out their iPads, one locked himself in the bathroom,” she says. “That’s typical of kids. It’s the reaction of the parents that’s telling. They just throw up their hands.”

No expert promoting gentle or respectful parenting would condone a kid slapping her mother. None of the books tell parents to abdicate the household throne to their toddler or let every tantrum slide. The problem, however, is that it’s not straightforward to describe or explain what gentle parenting says these parents should do instead. “Parents who identified as gentle in our study usually note three things: They regulate their own emotions in the middle of a conflict and try to name their child’s emotions (‘You look angry. Do you feel angry?’), they try to give the child coping skills, like sitting with their feelings, and they give affection,” says Pezalla. “There is a lot of hugging it out. When we asked about a time their children misbehaved and how they handled it, many parents said, ‘I asked my child if they needed a hug.’”

From my experience with gentle-parenting content — on Instagram, which is fertile ground for this stuff — these tenets sound right. There is copious listening, helping kids process their emotions, and remaining firm and calm in the face of chaos, abstaining from knee-jerk punishments or rewards to coerce good behavior. Davidson and Pezalla say it’s a philosophy that grew out of the primordial goo of attachment parenting but does not have roots in academic scholarship or study. “There has been so much evidence that documents the importance of not dismissing big feelings, of validating emotions,” says Davidson. “My concern is that people going deep on gentle parenting are going too far. Do we have to indulge every last emotional experience? Sometimes you have to move on.” Davidson and Pezalla found that of the parents in their study who adhered to gentle-parenting principles, 40 percent said they actually didn’t know what they were doing. Many said they felt “exhausted,” “overstimulated,” and “hanging on for dear life.”

Frankly, those words could describe any parent at various points in the day, regardless of your approach to raising kids. Parenting is, on the sunniest days, complicated and time-consuming. But to me, the gentle-parenting movement has taken a valid idea — respecting our children’s emotions — and pushed it to the point where the power dynamic is flipped, and kids are running the show. Pezalla and Davidson agree. “It’s as if there is a democratic approach to parenting. Parent and child are on the same level, and in some cases, the child is above the parent,” says Pezalla. In the process of evolving away from traditional discipline and toward gentler strategies that might not be instinctive, many of us have ended up in a weird place.


My concern is that people going deep on gentle parenting are going too far. Do we have to indulge every last emotional experience? Sometimes you have to move on.— Dr. Alice Davidson


I live on the Upper West Side, but I grew up in the Deep South and addressed most adults with “Ma’am” or “Sir” well into my 20s. So I care a lot about respect and manners and tend to be on the stern side with my three kids. I’ve threatened to wash mouths out with soap, like my own mother did. I’m certain I’ve said, “Children should be seen and not heard” only half-sarcastically in the past six months. (Somewhere, a gentle parent just lost her wings.) Still, I long to be a little more of an empathetic guide and less of a ranting dictator.

Like many parents, I was introduced to parenting coaches and Instagram gurus during the pandemic, when life at home felt so untenable with small children. This is when the gentle-parenting wave really began to roll; again, it has gained traction not through research but through TikTok and Reels. But as I watch gentle-parenting advocates post videos on Instagram and try to remember Dr. Becky’s wise scripts when my 5-year-old is thrashing naked on the floor instead of walking out the door to school, I wonder, Am I being indulgent? Am I focusing too much on my kids’ feelings at the expense of my own? Or the rest of the family? And most importantly: As I decide what to do, am I thinking about an Instagram graphic I read or listening to my gut? Social media has given parents an alternative to their instincts.

If a kid is screaming for a third cookie, and a parent is trying to avoid a response like, “You won’t ever get dessert acting like that,” or “Eat another bite of broccoli, and then we’ll see,” the other choices are these: Give the kid the cookie to make the screaming stop (not great) or explain that you’ve already discussed the rules about dessert beforehand (because that’s what gentle parents do, obviously) and affirm your child’s disappointment while holding the line, even as the storm rages for minutes or even hours. Meanwhile, good luck having a much-needed conversation with your spouse who you haven’t seen all day or making a phone call. I’d hand over the cookie for peace. Or maybe yell, “Stop crying, or I’m canceling Christmas,” but that’s just me. Of course, I’d pay the price; it is harder to hold the line later on when you’ve caved. The gentle way is better, but very, very hard. It’s no wonder parents often choose the “easy” out — and unintentionally indulge their kids.

Kathleen, a mother of two teens and a first-grade teacher at a private school in Manhattan, affirms that the pandemic ushered in an era of parents bending and twisting to their children’s desires in new ways. “There has been a significant shift. It’s as if parents feel their children missed out on something” and now want life to always feel special, with no disappointments, she says. Kathleen hasn’t noticed an uptick in overly disruptive behavior, but more of a “It’s my world, and everyone should revolve around me” mentality. Where she used to see kids rolling with a paper cut, lately they need a Band-Aid “now!” Kids refuse to carry their backpacks, and parents are more than happy to oblige them. “Kids are less resilient. They don’t know how to compromise,” she tells me.

Manhattan mom Jennie Monness, a parent educator and founder of Union Square Play, posts videos and personal stories about navigating challenges with her children for her 91,000 Instagram followers. In her videos with her two young daughters, Monness embodies the calm, respectful parenting model. But scrolling her feed, I notice that mixed in with the “YES. THIS” comments about, say, having natural consequences instead of using time-outs, a few parents are asking something along the lines of, “Sounds good, but what are the natural consequences for biting a sibling?” or “Yeah, what if the natural consequences are that I’m late for work and miss an important meeting?”

On the @biglittlefeelings feed, the Instagram account run by Kristin Gallant, a parent coach, and Deena Margolin, a child therapist, which has more than 3 million followers, some recent posts read, “Stop Telling Your Kid to Go Say Sorry,” and “Why We Shouldn’t Try to Stop Our Kids’ Crying,” both of which are, of course, styled to get eyeballs but also follow familiar scripts of respectful parenting. Like Monness’s followers, most commenters are enthusiastic and grateful for the guidance. But there are also those who struggle to implement the strategies in real life and have questions: “What if they are throwing themselves all over the place?” “What if they’re also screaming at me?” “Aren’t we raising self-absorbed kids?” One commenter on the apology post wrote, “If another child hurt mine and didn’t apologize, and the parent didn’t ask them to, quite frankly, I’d be horrified, and my child would be confused.”

I bring up these accounts not to criticize what these influencers are doing — I think there is a place for Instagram experts to offer bite-size tips and encouragement to parents where they’re at (on their phones) — but rather to point out that gentle parenting, at its best, is complicated and hard to do well. And I haven’t even broached the fact that many experts say excavating your own childhood traumas and patterns is a requirement for the system to work. Being a respectful parent starts with therapy, it seems. I feel for my fellow parents who watch influencers’ beautifully curated videos of magical teaching moments and think, Oh my gosh, who has the time? And who silently, even guiltily, wonder, If I can’t do this gentle-parenting thing well, because I’m overwhelmed with multiple kids and a stressful job, is it better to keep trying and failing, or should I forget the whole thing and go with something like … time-outs?

“First of all, time-outs can be an effective approach when used correctly, and you can absolutely tell your kids to put on their shoes and get going in the morning!” says Rebecca Hershberg, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in Dobbs Ferry and author of The Tantrum Survival Guide. Hershberg also posts parenting tips on Instagram, even ones that encourage parents to support their children’s feelings, but emphasizes a “love and limits” framework focused on what she describes as high levels of warmth and high levels of boundaries. “I don’t think anyone is in favor of disrespectful parenting. But there is a lot of misunderstanding of what gentle parenting is,” she says.

I asked Hershberg, “Why is gentle parenting so hard for parents, and why does it often turn into being too permissive and indulgent? Are we afraid of doing it wrong, so we end up doing nothing? Are we too overwhelmed and exhausted to talk through our toddlers’ feelings yet again before breakfast?” The answer is yes — to all of it, she says. “What is most exhausting for parents is thinking there’s an exact way to do things and a wrong way to do things and walking around with the pressure that you’re going to ruin your kids because you used a sticker chart,” she says. Davidson and Pezalla point out that our generation of parents are starting from an earnest place but are intent on going above and beyond — and we are killing ourselves to curate the perfect parenting philosophy, even though that doesn’t really exist.

In other words, the parents standing idly by and smiling while their child hurls toys against the wall aren’t checked out or uninformed; they may be the opposite — oversaturated. And if their well-meaning, gentle-parenting tactics have left them with a tiny despot, have some compassion. Those parents may be suffering the most. They are trying to raise children amid confusing messages, and it’s maybe not going so well. Their children are acting like rabid squirrels, which is annoying at a birthday party, but think of it this way: They have to live in the same house as said squirrels. And maybe they don’t have a single second (let alone a spare three hours) to talk through a child’s feelings or reexamine the missteps of their own upbringing because they are caring for an aging parent or doing their taxes or filling out school forms. Every parent deserves a little grace. It’s hard, thankless work to parent with proper love and limits. It’s equally hard to think you’re doing right by your kid only to get slapped in the face on a play date.

“All of type-A, New York City parents would love to think they’ve figured out the best way to parent,” says Hershberg. That goes for hard-core gentle proponents, traditionalists, and hybrids in the middle. “It’s harder to accept that it’s complicated.”


Original article here

17 Jan 2024
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Stretching: 5 Back and Chest Stretches That Treat and Prevent Neck Pain

I have a pain in my neck. Usually such a statement will open up the floor to all kinds of “witty” responses, but the truth is, I really do. My neck pain started at university, ahem, some years ago while typing my dissertation from bed (this makeshift desk was the norm, even in life pre-Covid) – which meant I would find myself looking down at my laptop for hours on end. Although my degree is now stowed away, gathering dust, the pain is not – and it’s continued to be a not-so-friendly companion in my everyday life.

I’ve tried deep-tissue massages, hot stone therapy, acupuncture and orthopaedic pillows in mission to rid my body of this nagging ache, but none have seemed to work. It wasn’t until I had an MRI scan that I learned I have a hypermobile neck. This means that my neck is super flexible and allows me to do a mean Exorcist impression (a great party trick during Halloween). The downside is that neck pain has become part and parcel of my daily existence – often made worse by working on a computer or a smartphone for 90% of my working day.

I enlisted the help of Mike Tanner, head of education & learning at Bodyism to equip me with some key stretches and exercises to alleviate my neck pain. “There are many reasons you might be experiencing neck pain,” he explains. “It could be short, tight muscles caused by spending too much time in the same position or a long taut muscle which can feel tight but are actually longer and stretched to their limits. Typically, you want to stretch a short tight muscle and exercise the long taut ones. And it’s important to note that your neck is affected by not only muscles in your neck, but also muscles in your chest and back – so it’s best to cover all these areas for the most effective results.

Tanner instructed me to perform the below five stretches every day in order to alleviate my neck pain – even twice a day for extra brownie points.

For one week, I performed each of the five stretches every day morning and evening to see if my nagging pain would go away.

I have to say, after day one, I found myself actually looking forward to these daily stretches. Although they felt slightly painful, it was the best kind of discomfort – the kind you’d experience during a sports massage that feels uncomfortable in the moment, yet leaves you feeling utterly loose and limber afterwards. Each stretch sent a tingle down my back and into my head as the tension began to ease and my posture began to correct itself.

What I didn’t realise was how stiff my adjoining muscles had become – my chest, shoulders, and even my forearms had seized up and were contributing to my neck pain. With every stretch, I could feel them pull and loosen, relieving my neck and leaving my upper body feeling like I’d just spent an hour on the massage table.

It’s only been a week, but with a daily plan in place, I’m already more aware of my posture and the growing range of movement I have. I’m going to try to maintain this routine going forward to prevent my neck from seizing up again.

Here’s the stretching routine that Tanner prescribed to me.

5 Essential Stretches to Reduce and Prevent Neck Pain

1.   Chest stretch against door frame

A tight chest can contribute towards a rounded thoracic spine, this then tends to put your cervical spine (neck) into a bad position.

  1. Place your forearm on a vertical door frame and keep the elbow at shoulder height or slightly above.
  2. Step forward through the door, leaving your arm where it is so your chest feels a nice stretch.

2. Lat stretch “in child’s pose”

Lats connect into the arm and can pull your shoulders forward so this helps to pull them back into place.

  1. Start on your hands and knees and place your left hand outside your right.
  2. As you lower into child’s pose, curve into your left side to stretch the lat.

3. Scalenes stretch

  1. While sitting on a chair, use your right hand to hold the base of the chair next to your right thigh.
  2. Bring your left hand over your head, touching just above the ear.
  3. Gently pull your head to the left.
  4. Repeat on the other side.

4. Levator Scapular stretch

  1. This is very similar to the scalene stretch, but instead, use your left hand to pull gently pull to the left and also forwards.
  2. In this stretch the fingers tips can hold the bottom back corner of your skull behind the ear.
  3. Repeat on the other side.

5. Thoracic mobility 90/90 stretch

  1. Lying on your side in “spoon” position with your legs in a 90 degree angle, put both arms straight out in front with your palms together.
  2. As you breathe out, take your top hand over to the opposite side of your body leaving the bottom hand on the floor.
  3. Repeat on the other side.

In addition to these stretches, Tanner suggested that I complete the below five exercises daily in order to strengthen my long taut muscles mentioned previously, as well as to strengthen the adjoining muscles (such as my chest and back).

The exercises were slightly uncomfortable to begin with and I definitely felt it the following day, but after day four my neck felt more stable and supported.

5 Best Exercises to Reduce and Prevent Neck Pain

1. Lower trapezius Ys with small water bottles as weights

  1. Stand leaning forwards with a flat back at 45 degrees.
  2. Start with both hands between your knees, with your palms together, and slowly lift up with straight arms until your arms are in a Y position above your head (moving arms only).
  3. Lower and repeat.
  4. 2-3 sets of 10 reps

2. Rhomboid Ts with small water bottles as weights

  1. This is the same as the Ys above, but start with your hands at chest height and palms facing up.
  2. Bring your straight arms out to the side while squeezing your shoulder blades together.

3. Scapula wall slides

  1. Stand with your back against a wall and your arms up in a 90 degree angle (also against the wall).
  2. Keep your hands and elbows touching the wall while extending your arms above your head. Don’t arch your lower back – instead, keep it flat up against the wall.
  3. Lower and repeat.
  4. 2-3 sets of 10 reps

4. Prone cobra

  1. Lay on the floor face down with your hands by your hips and palms down.
  2. Squeeze your glutes as you lift your shoulders and chest off the ground.
  3. While lifting your hands high behind you, rotate your hands outwards.

5. Sitting up straight

Sitting up straight automatically strengthens the muscles you need for good posture.

  1. Make sure your ears are over your shoulders and your shoulders are over hips.
  2. Your knees should be bent at 90 degrees with your feet flat on the ground.



Original article here

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